Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Acv Wart Not Turning Black

National Speed \u200b\u200bBike Invitational Cup International Invitational Cup Lara

Bicicross Members Regional Commissions

Yours and sports greeting on behalf of the Regional Commission of the State BMX club and especially Lara Speed \u200b\u200bBike Lara, who will gladly make the most cordial invitation to participate in the National Invitational Cup 1st "Lara Speed \u200b\u200bBike" , which will be conducting the Saturday May 14, 2011 at 10 am at the BMX track Domingo Lopez, located in Urb La Rose Garden City Barquisimeto, Lara State.

event that will live music (DJ's Hip-hop, Rock) as well as displays of Freestyle, Skate, Paintball and more.

Activity Schedule: Saturday 14/05/2011

from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Starting Powers:
10:00 am (Please send listings in advance)

After the event, and computed the results.
Trophies to top 3 categories. Pote
Elite: 1000 B + Amount of Registration.

Value of Registration:
(As agreed at the National Convention)

Bs: 80 Junior Elite (20 and 24)
Bs: 50 Ladies, cruises and Rookies.

PS: Please send listings to: and no later than Friday, 13 days until 5p.m so as to expedite the registration and start on time.

"an action that will benefit us all"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gpsphone Emerald Cheats In Action

Updating ...

I've long without writing anything and the truth is that some days I have not had time, but others if it had been written but needed a bit off the topic of diet, since I do not obsess as all things in life led to extremely dangerous. For those who thought they had gained was not writing because I want to say that nothing is further from reality, I'm keeping my weight keeping me ... I say ..? going! I'm losing weight! weight 52 kilos accurate and that I have already begun to make 2 meals a week gala.

I'm enjoying a lot of life. Yesterday I was with my little boy playing and riding bicycles. And just now I've been playing volleyball in the school of my children because this week are celebrating the cultural week of school and I feel great, I'm not tired or anything. Certainly in the team they've played mothers and teachers and was in my 13 years has been very interesting, a mother against daughter party.

This being thin is a joy, you get tired less, have more clothes, because everything looks good on you, is something incredible, that you want to tell you: I'm Happy! This gives me immense happiness strength to continue, because I will continue to thin forever. (All these people jealous and bad-hearted who are willing to see me fat ... you can expect to feel because it will not happen ... a best when you have 90 or 100 years, maybe, but until then ... you are going to stay with the desire)

Since I have less to complete the consolidation phase, it will be in late September and once you start the final stabilization phase I can start eating normal. But what do we mean by eating NORMAL? Stop dreaming in this respect, because I think many people are making dukan diet because they think they will be able to cram all the days of food less pure protein on Thursday .... well, if you think that, you are one of those re going to gain weight safely. Normal eating is not binge eating or eating poorly. This diet has helped me change my eating habits now as better than at the beginning of the diet, eat again just as fattening but it will not happen because I'm learning to eat normally. I found an author whose advice I really like and I will carry out the stabilization phase, I mean the rest of my life, is called Cristina Galiano and from your blog you can download a book with tips on how to store and freeze food comes in handy, this is your blog

The Dukan diet I've taken me as an intensive cure weight loss but you can spend your entire life in the attack phase (which madness!) or cruise phase, or in consolidation. In the final stabilization must be careful and eat in an orderly manner, as all the previous effort but we will have thrown away. We are intelligent and we must act as such.

Many thanks to everyone for your support and for taking the trouble to post a comment. Welcome to all and all new / as followers / as. Animooooo!! You see that ... IF YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT!

now answer your questions:
Mandatruco78> In the attack phase you can eat smoked salmon, yes.

The Italianità> totally agree with your comment;)

Exchocolate> Sorry I can not tell you my experience with the stagnation because if you read my full blog you will notice that I have not been staked, but that cruise I've been to rocket speed, lol Every body is different ... But you can do what you say, if a person has long Cruise and standing time can be passed that has consolidated and consolidated kilos early return to the attack phase and continue to lose the rest

ninja804> In the book of Pierre Dukan diet you can not get sauce recipes have also in this blog, look them in previous posts. encourage! Mary

> on this diet allowed coffee maker, including caffeine and soluble, as some diets are prohibited. Clear that people with high blood pressure should not take it. José María

> Courage and thank you very much:)

lovehaterh> buy the book book worthwhile. Just follow the instructions in the book, the diet works. Ah! and that of ... breakfast: cereal. nor speak, until you get to the consolidation phase (I sometimes breakfast grains such all-bran) the time taken to reach this stage of consolidation depends on the kilos you have to lose. Luly

> Courage and thanks:)

M ª Luz> much encouragement! get it!

Ana> The only 800 grams milk a day at most, that is, all milk a day. Dukan bread, muffins and such, you can eat as long as you respect the dose of oat bran daily (1 tablespoon and a half tablespoon a day in the attack phase and 2 tablespoons a day in the attack phase) if you miss doses could gain as oat bran would be considered a hydrate. The pancakes, depending on the recipe that is, if they are made only with skimmed milk powder, eggs and sweetener, be careful not to spend 25 grams daily of powdered milk and you can eat and in the cruise phase, for same thing because the skimmed milk powder is a food tolerated. Maruja

> You should see the composition of the chocolate yogurt, but I think we in the attack phase can not be eaten. Anyway I have not used vitalinea yoghurts, I used those of landowners, natural sweetened the flavors and bits of fruit all 0% fat.

idea> During the cruise phase of attack and no olive oil is used, you can cook perfectly well without him, I assure you. cornstarch is a food tolerated, then incorporated into the cruise phase, the attack is not tolerated and are taken daily allowance is 1 tablespoon. And if you can mix meat and fish at the same meal. Have you tried to wrap slices of turkey with slices of smoked salmon and tranchettes ligth? ummm! that rich! Cecy

> Congratulations why kilos lost! keep it up, champ:)
I'm gonna keep writing the blog, but take a little longer to update because the next Monday I will start working and less time, but you will still hear from me. I will not give up, nuncaaaaa!!

MBR> you have a ratillo I get to see your blog. Encouragement to diet:)

May weiss> I will pass as soon as possible to see your blog. Animo champion! Eli

> If, as I write are soup spoons and is the coffee spoon. Oat bran 2 tablespoons a day cruise phase and 1 tablespoon wheat bran daily. Sa

> If you read my blog from the entry published on August 15, 2010 you'll see what to do, tango published summaries of the diet, plus tips, weekly menus, tips, recipes, links to other blogs dukanianos, apart from my testimony to be doing the diet of truth in the blog archive you will find all this

Thanks to all that I have not mentioned, much encouragement. I've changed, I'm not fat, nor ever will be. Because if you can encourage weight loss, you just need to want to do really.

I hope you have a happy holiday of Easter, all and all that ye vacation, because things in life, is that fair beginning next Monday back to work and back with my former colleagues. I am delighted and happy, I also lost weight and I have a job!!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Kathryn Beich And Katydids

Classes - Studio Makeup