Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Maximum Prescription For Farsightedness

Conclusions "Who knows? 1"

No Clothes do not make the man, still learning, are designed not apparent.

º Learn from your mistakes, you're a designer not a magician, learn to say no.

º Research to who designed, consistent with your products, your home, your market.

No Mere net there, Europe is yours, we have ours, you yours and I have mine.

No Businesses have an ideal size, growth is not always better.

º Creativity is a muscle, do not miss opportunities or issues that you copied, the advantage is in going forward.

º recognizes your colleagues, fame is fleeting and can make you sick, do not work thinking it is just recognition, but not real.

º Do not cling to things, times change faster than your mind.

º Be careful what you dream because you can make happen.

No. The design is a passion, think of concepts, then products.

No design is poorly paid, poorly paid. Do not just commercial projects, plays, seeks, contest, experiment, discover.

º Be free, go with your instincts, although this sometimes you lose sleep.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Poptropica Screensaver

Design Workshop How do you play? Tangible

In collaboration with Axel Schmit, designer Ingo Maurer, was made during the design conference "Who knows?" 2 in the city of Queretaro on the workshop playing with design. " Objective

object generation from electric shock as a feedstock. The ingenuity of the designers combined with previous participants and long reflections on synesthesia and feelings, resulted in a collection of rare items such as readers of the future machines, gambling, to cause dance, thanks to the Virgin, etc.

Dune Buggy Craigslist

Tec de Monterrey in May 2003

feelings becomes science objects. Making art objects
feelings. We endow
feeling the object.
objects without feelings, are commodities.
objects created from the feelings.

High Arches Narrow Feet Shoes

Feelings Workshop Design Workshop-as-craving

May 2003
La Salle Bajio
Workshop conducted during the design meeting "Breaking Schemes."

The game is the best trigger for creativity. It is a way to unlock the senses, thoughts and behavior.

An experience about creativity. Analysis, questioning, experience, work.

Objectives Prepare-
Cook- ideas
Taste- concepts
Digest- opportunities

The World Seen from the outside.
The rational and irrational.
Why of course it makes sense?
Illogical "illogical?
rational Why is it rational?
"irrational Irrational?
Just because we say so, we impose it, because we see daily.
The disposable, why is disposable?
is more ... What is, what it means disposable?
Tortilla panucho, chubby, pinched ... How long we do not design a new dish mass?

leon.diseñocomoantojo 061
leon.diseñocomoantojo 041
leon.diseñocomoantojo 052

Faked Commuinty Serice Hour For School


Cidi-Unam December 2002

topic "Design of a birdcage "

When the goal is not a product but a thought, an attitude, a poem ...

Objectives To promote the participants' creativity in an atmosphere of freedom and few restrictions, overcoming the fear of questioning and discovering the unknown and their potential as research tools and concept.
develop a sense of expression as a basis for design.
