Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Does The Body Fortress Comes With A Scoop ?

Hello, Welcome to our Blog.

Today we present our STUDY C

We have the infrastructure to do:

We records, independent productions, demos, pre-production for bands and solo artists of different styles, the best price with the best care .

We have a recording room of 20 m2 acoustically prepared to achieve maximum sonic performance of your instrument. It can record: drums, percussion, guitars, strings, winds and voices of all kinds.

Recording Room

El Control Room esta acondicionado especialmente para que el técnico y vos tengan una perspectiva clara del material. Por eso contamos con un sistema de monitoreo KRK de primera linea en un ambiente con las comodidades y la tranquilidad necesaria para tu producción se lleve a cabo de la mejor manera.

Control Room y sistema de monitoreo KRK

Utilizamos un sistema de grabación digital sobre plataforma Nuendo Pc con placas Delta 1010 that allow us to record resolution 96 khz at 24 or 32 Bits , characteristics that give the highest possible quality audio.

complement the advantages of working with digital audio in terms of speed and simplicity, the use of valve preamps, which at the time of recording, mixing and / or mastering, we add each instrument and the end result warmth and harmonic richness , compared to similar transistors made from.

Preamplifiers Behringer valve

microfonería As we work with: Shure , Audiotechnica , AKG, Neumann among others ...

We have two batteries: Mapex Mars Pro and Pearl Export (both 5 bodies), direct boxes Sans Amp bass and the guitar a JCM 900 1960 Angle with box and a Behringer V -Amp Pro at your complete disposal at no additional cost.

Finally, We have over 10 years of experience, we know your requirements and we have the perfect place and your disposal to make your music really.

We hope to do together a great album ...

More info at:



Address: Ayacucho 490
August 3 Cap. Fed - Buenos Aires Argentina
Phone: (011) 4954-2480