Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pharmaceutical Calculations Ansel &stoklosa

By Design Policy in Mexico

Everyone we tell the story to justify our acciones.Vamos well through life, charting the future that makes the story we tell ourselves. I, for one, always told me as a designer develop industrial product design. This same thought can be transferred to countries and nations, and I can read and hear every day as the story we tell in this country is to be contract manufacturers and component manufacturers for other companies, multinational corporations.

A declaration is a speech that opens future, when a person in authority "says" is capable of changing the world of people. That is why countries declare independence or declared innocent or guilty defendants. Our country need a new declaration to build new stories, new futures and new worlds. We need our government to declare Mexico a country of design and innovation.
This statement marked a new vision that will allow us to build competitive enterprises and value-added products through design.

I am convinced that this important exercise of Policy Design is the place where this statement can begin to take shape for the future of our country and our profession. LDI

Jorge Moreno Arózqueta

Día Históric[1]

Monday, November 3, 2008

Playtech Sandrail Stolen

Talk in San Luis


Pssst! here give