Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Usb Drive Formatter Fdd Emulator

Design Artistic Expression "or business strategy? Pecha Kucha Querétaro


With a design analysis in Mexico, Jorge Moreno presented at the International Furniture Expo Summer in the city of Guadalajara, a paper that compares the analytical thinking to design thinking, which explains the characteristics of each generating starting from the question: "Expression Design artistic or business strategy?

Click here to view the presentation

International Furniture Expo Summer

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Cleam Emu Boots

Power Design


Who designed the layout of an art exhibition?
What do you mean the artist? What interprets the observer?
¿Se puede vender arte por cm2?

En el primer Pecha Kucha de la Cd. De Querétaro el 22 de mayo del 2009, Jorge Moreno compartió una experiencia diferente y divertida en las exhibiciones de arte creada para su madre Nieves Moreno, en donde los invitados participaban en todo el proceso, incluido el enmarcado de los cuadros, comprando el arte a $1.- el cm2.

Click aquí para ver la presentación


Pecha Kucha Página oficial

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dale Technology Model It400e For Audio


El pasado miércoles 13, Jorge Moreno expuso en la Universidad De La Salle de León una interesante discussion in Congress "Design Made in Mexico!" with a theme of Power, beginning with the question: Why do we often feel that in our country design has no power?

Click here to see the talk

Friday, February 20, 2009

Am I A White Dot When I Log Into Facebook Chat


The Oseberg Ship is pleased to invite you to our program of free talks from February 2009.

In our first installment "Introduction to the recording and music production" , Diego Martínez Technician address different topics for to clarify and explain the various techniques used in the recording point to the best use of time in the studio and how to improve artistically the material.

of great interest for bands, musicians and artists on the rise.

Quotas Limited - Register now!



Studio La Nave de Oseberg
Ayacucho 490 4to11 / 3ro8 Buenos Aires, Argentina
(005411) 4954-2480

Does Jcpennies Do Hair Extensions

Thomas Vikström

Studio C

Thomas Vikström (Therion, Brazen Abbot, Candlemass, Mehida) was recording the vocals for a new project.

Thomas Vikström, a great vocalist with a great career.

Since its inception in Sweden with Talk of the Town to its newest addition to Therion, Thomas has recorded countless albums and has gone through numerous bands such as: Brazen Abbot, Candlemass, Stormwind, Mehida, Dark Illusion, Talisman. Working alongside the likes of Joe Lynn Turner, Glenn Hughes, Göran Edman and Jeff Scott Soto and others. He has also done theater, musicals and even opera, a versatile vocalist with a great voice and wanted to try a bit of everything musically ... a true chameleon, as he likes to be defined.

http: / / www.myspace.com / lanavedeoseberg

Studio La Nave de Oseberg
Ayacucho 490 4to11 / 3ro8 Buenos Aires, Argentina
(005411) 4954-2480

Monday, January 19, 2009

Does Denise Milani Have Real Boobs?


are 9 years to enjoy and share our work between designers and photographers, and 9 different calendars that show our development as professionals and our passion for the design. This is the calendar year 2009, that simple.

Pssst! here give

The Legend Of Atlantis Soundtrack

Merry Christmas 2008

Navidad 2008
This motivated us to give our customers this curious tree. The intention was to use in the new year countdown, and each has to think about the message that each area had messages that symbolize wishes for the next year, and when you thought your desire, you had to thunder plastic bubble corresponding to that desire / area.
really hope that they fulfill all their wishes!

At the same time, the soap makers we become this Christmas and we wrapped them in this bubble full of wishes for 2009.

navidad 2008