Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pap Test Procedure Shave

Sorgsen new record! Studio C Mastering

Today we have to introduce one of the bands that are recording in our study C its next record material.


Sorgsen, formerly known as "Sorgsen Child", was formed in November 2003. The band began with a more defined style, Death Metal oriented. Had at the moment with Matthias Amica (vocals, guitar), Mariano Bosich (guitar) and Cristian Garin (drums). After an arduous search for bassists, the band spent a year rehearsing, composing, and trying to find a bass player according to the preferences of the band. But this is not possible, until January of 2005. Joined the band, Joaquín Vázquez, and so, after making a few live shows with bands like Flesh Demons, Embryo, My Agony, etc, the band recorded their first demo in May 2005, which contains two items. Musical and personal reasons, the vocalist-guitarist Matias Amica, left the band on 24 May. After this news, the band begins to seek new vocalist, until the month of June found Martin Passaro. It is from that moment, when the band put aside the above compositions and gives rise to a whole new set of issues, and a style thrash / melodic death metal, influenced by bands like In Flames, Arch Enemy, Dew Scented, The Haunted, etc. After working the issues with their new vocalist, playing live with Sorgsen Avernal, Anomaly and Demons Flesh. The band is going to call Sorgsen only to dry, and go to "La Nave de Oseberg" to record their new demo, the February 15, 2006, which contains three tracks (which you can download from the "downloads" .) After the dissemination of it in Rock & Pop, Sorgsen is planning future dates and a long way to go.

Studio La Nave de Oseberg
Ayacucho 490 4to11 / 3ro8 Buenos Aires, Argentina
(005411) 4954-2480


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