Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Herpes Outbreak Right At Implantation

begin Stage 3 or consolidation phase

My weight today is 57.4 kg so I already decided to spend the consolidation phase. There are many cases of people who are losing weight consolidation and how only 400 grams ná missing to reach my goal I have started today.

What to do in the consolidation phase?
How my body and all bodies that have been overweight have what is called metabolic memory, ie if you got to weigh 80 kilos body is very smart, he remembers, and tends to book everything to re-weigh the same. This effect is also known as the rebound effect. Now more than ever we must be vigilant and to be introducing foods that until now could not eat, so gradually, to get to eat everything and not get fat.

The consolidation phase is the maintenance of fair weight. Dr. Pierre Dukan is measured and tested and how long to take this step. You have to do 10 days of consolidation per kilo lost. If this is not done, the rebound effect is getting even more brutal and faster than they've lost weight, you may even get to double the kilos fat. So, I'll make things right and I consolidated to the letter. I've lost almost 23 kilos, then 23 x 10 = 230 days of consolidation ... bufff! a lot! resist ... I hope you see I'm still in the fight for what is not going to stop writing my experiences, which also I think it may be helpful for others to leave behind obesity.

I put my menu now and then a summary of the phase 3 or phase of consolidation and transition (the can find with those 3 names)
1 coffee with skim milk
1 pancake dukan
1 sandwinch of bread (I toasted some bread) with grilled chicken and 2 tranchetes ligth
1 orange (ummmmmmmm! glory known to me!;)
mid-afternoon coffee
1 skimmed
1 orange blossom muffin (I will put the recipe is that I have done photo) Dinner

Tomato Grilled hake with garlic and lemon yogurt pineapple
1 0%


From now you can eat protein + vegetables every day, no need to switch one day protein with another protein + vegetables.

But one day a week, on Thursday, has to make the protein-only diet (regime )!!!!!!!!! attack
opens a stage now where you can add new foods.
divide the transition stage 2, for example if we have lost weight 6 kilos we have to continue this regimen 60 days. In my case 230: 2 = 115 days

During the first 30 days:

One serving of fruit a day
Two slices of bread a day
A portion of cheese a day
A portion of starchy
week Lunch or gala dinner

week Fruit:
are prohibited: bananas, grapes, cherries, nuts
One serving of fruit is an apple or a pear, or orange, for a serving of fruit is a small cup of strawberries or raspberries and watermelon or a slice of melon, apricot or tangerine (MSPs) can eat 2. You can only eat fruit once a day.

Cheese: You can eat: Babybel, Edam cheese, Emmental, Comté, Tomme de Savoie, gouda ... and ligth and nonfat cheeses allowed until now. Avoid sourdough cheese curd type. A portion of 40 grams. In one shot a day, or I can not take 20 grams in the morning and 20 at noon. Must be the 40 grams in one shot.

A portion of starchy: pasta durum wheat semolina, polenta, bulgur, whole-wheat grains. A ration of 200 grams once a week. They are also allowed (220 g) lentils, beans, peas and chickpeas, fat-free course. Rice can be consumed but only occasionally and better rice, basmati or wild, also 220 grams. Potatoes (very careful with them) must prepare themselves with your skin or cooked in foil, without any fat. Be consumed only occasionally.

currently the scheme may also include lamb (leg), pork (barbecue), and ham once or twice a week.

gala lunch or dinner: You can eat whatever you want but again, you can also enjoy a glass of wine.

During the second part of the transition (if you have lost 6 kilos, and has done 30 days and now begins another 30 days: All exactly like the first stage except you can make 2 servings of starchy week and 2 meals and gala dinners a week. Must be separated can not be followed. For example if you make a gala dinner on Saturday, can do nothing on Sunday. Ah! And not to be confused with a gala dinner gala day, OK? You can not throw a whole day gala is just one meal. It can be breakfast, lunch or dinner, you choose, but only one per day.

No exceptions can be made.
Remember oat bran (2 tablespoons)
Make sure you drink 2 liters of water.
Walking briskly for 30 minutes at least every day and not use the lifts

I put a list of approved food and banned;)

Thank you all for your comments. WELCOME to this blog all / as new followers / as and all the people who read and good to them all that's funny, I also tell them that makes them glad grace, because: "One day which has not smiled is a day wasted "Also, I do not know if you know that people who smile every day live longer.

Kisses for everyone y. .... !!!!! HAPPY YEAR 2011 : D
(this year on my list of resolutions does not appear slim .... it says: keep on my weight)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Aztec Tribal Armbands

Results 19 th week of diet Dukan

This diet is amazing ... even I think I'm getting my weight in so little time. It is now 57.5 kg weight !!!!!!...
tomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Jajajajajaja I am delighted, I say happy, euphoric! According to the official website of the Dukan diet my weight is just 57.6 kg, so they say ... I'M ON MY WEIGHT! thing is that I prefer to round to 57 kilos and have that range of 600 grams to keep;) On the metrics above can not be put grams which puts me 1 kilo needed to move to the next phase or stage consolidation (maintenance) but are actually only 500 grams which I have plenty: D But I think I'll wait to spend the Christmas holidays to spend a conso ... then start my real battle to stay in my weight ... because I found that losing weight is chupao, hahaha The most difficult is to stay and you know that ... I'll do ! God is my witness that I will never weigh 80 kilos, no way!

Thank you for your comments of encouragement, help me much help, when dieting, is very important to have a group of friends that understand your situation, a person who has never been fat can not understand this. ah! Greetings to sugar, pepper and salt, is a page that also appears my blog. Besitos

all / as

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Where Can I Get Thermasilk Shampoo

Mini roly-poly with pastry cream

How are the holidays? Have you been good? Well, I've jumped a little diet, on Christmas Eve for the first time since Aug. 15 that started. And I say that to me I jumped a little, I have not spent a lot ... I tell you: First we had appetizers, which consisted of ham, marinated pork loin, ham, sheep cheese, sausage and pepperoni. But how I came to my going to buy it for me I bought 0% slices of turkey and gouda cheese (allowed in the consolidation phase), hehe. Then there was potato salad, which I did not eat. After prawns and king prawns with plate, that if I ate, and as allowed a few more, lol And then the dish, the pork in casserole of 3 pieces and ate it if it is not allowed ... For dessert, pineapple and peaches in syrup who did not eat, and a roly-poly Mini pastry cream I did, of course without sugar or fat, ie dukaniano. Later, my mother took the tray of candies, polvorones, and marzipan, but suitable for diabetics because my father is diabetic ... but not suitable for Dukan because many are high in fat and carbohydrates, but I thought, "Well , just for today "and I ate a piece of nougat Chocolate, another yolk toast, and chocolate polvorón , hahaha And to drink a glass of red wine.

Anyway, I thought that tomorrow would have gained a kilo at least all he had eaten. But no, only weighed 200 grams more than the previous day.

And last Christmas Day, also went to eat at my parents house. But this time I skipped the diet, eat only foods allowed by the Dukan diet. And this morning, I weighed and that weight is 57.9 kilos! tomaaaaaa and tomaaaaaaaa!! and only 900 grams fail me to move to the consolidation phase.

Thank you all for your comments support. Wellcome to new followers.
Here you have the recipe roly-poly Mini


INGREDIENTS For the cake:
3 eggs 3 tablespoons oat bran
1 tablespoon skim milk 3 tablespoons
cheese 0% mg
beaten 1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 / 2 of baking powder
2 tablespoons liquid sweetener
For the pastry cream:
3 eggs 1 envelope flanin the child (brand cornstarch is prepared without sugar)
2 glasses of milk
2 tablespoons liquid sweetener
Fill with half of cream, the other half to put on glasses sprinkled with cinnamon and we have another dessert for the next day;)
To trim:
1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon cocoa
value (fat and sugar) 1 teaspoon
liquid sweetener 1 tablespoon skim milk powder PREPARATION
We first pastry cream: In a saucepan threw the contents of the envelope flanin and sweetener, then go add the eggs one at a stirring well. Add milk and put the fire until it thickens, stirring constantly. Allow to cool. Preheat oven to 160 degrees while we make the biscuit dough. Beat egg whites until stiff and set aside. In a bowl mix remaining ingredients well and add to the egg whites stirring motion. We put in the oven in a silicone cake pan or put a paper antiadeherente to prevent sticking. Take it out when browned and put it atop a damp cloth and rolled on itself and wait a bit to take that form, then fill with cream. For the decoration I used the recipe for Nutella Dukan. Although I lack the aroma of hazelnut ... Mix all ingredients and with a plastic bag (Those of freezing, for example) will make a hole and "paint" motif.

Well, I hope you like it ... Not only did this, I made one for my in-laws, at the same time;)

I hope that Santa Claus has left many gifts. Come to remain good / you okay? Besitos

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Watch Free Online Pokemon Episodes

Tips for losing weight;)

First of all thank you for your comments and welcome / as new / as followers ... my mother, we are 118!! I hope this blog will serve as a support and testimony that IF YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT! Today

weight 58.3 kg Jijiji soon move another Kilito more metrics above. I'm just 1 kilo and 300 grams of the consolidation phase, which is the third phase of Dukan diet and that in his official website, I just said that my weight is 57.6 kg, but I prefer to round to 57 kg . They also told me that weight would be in the January 17, 2011 and I think I will get it before ....

For Christmas dinner, I think I will relax a bit ... Anyway, I'm in charge of purchasing the stiff, so this year will eat slices of turkey to the grandfather, jajajajajaja After There are seafood and that is allowed bieeeeeeeeeen! Do not eat bread, but if a piece of nougat because my parents all the sweets are sugar because my father is diabetic. And a little wine there who take it off me, hahahahahaha that is a holiday, dammit! And what fat is not a lavish dinner is lunch and dinner every day in this way, for once, nothing happens, then continue with this diet that I love! WEIGHT LOSS TIPS

1. Before dieting mentalizate, and think why you want to lose weight, you'll never forget your patience 2.Ten
reasons, no thins kilos in a week that has accumulated over the years
3. Do you know your weight right? The weight of a person depends on many factors, not just its size, influence age, pregnancy, genetics ... Enter here to find out your weight just
4.The day start, Weigh yourself and measure yourself. So you can check your progress. You can weigh yourself every day, but you have to be strong and not cum down if you notice that the scale has not gone down, if you think you are so strong, better Weigh yourself every week. 5.Follow
diet to the letter, is your guide. If you skip it, do not you are doing and do not say it does not work. 6.Bebe
plenty of water. Sometimes what we feel is thirsty and is not really hungry. Before snack drink a glass of water. 7.When
going to eat take everything to the table. Starter, main course and dessert. In this way you will avoid having to get up to go to the kitchen and avoid temptations. 8.Muevete
more, you have to spend calories. If you live in a small town forget about the car, was seen walking errands. Forget the lifts and up stairs, every five steps you rise and go down (round trip)'ve spent 1 kcal.
9.Procura that the diet is varied, with the foods allowed, of course. Sure there are many fish that have not tried;)
10.Ten the fridge well stocked with food that requires no preparation and are allowed, in case you want to itch or you hungry and do not take it anymore. ligth cheeses, yogurts 0% mg, slices of turkey, tuna, raw, etc. 11.No
skip meals, nor stop eating. This diet works if you eat, though it seems a contradiction. You have to eat 1 gram of protein per day per kilo of the individual. Also in the days of protein + vegetables, is a mistake to eat only vegetables.
12.Si are greedy, get candy with liquid sweetener. There are lots of recipes on the Internet. Put google dukan diet recipes, and you leave forums, blogs, facebook profile .... there are lots and are very rich. You also have recipes on this blog;) 13.No
let people overwhelm you. If you are an adult and as such, you can choose the type of food you want. I'm sure my way of eating before the diet was worse than now ...... 14.Lleva
control of your health. Become a blood and urine tests to check that all is well. 15.No
do this diet if you have diabetes, heart disease, liver or kidney. Nor if you are pregnant. If you are over 50 years and / or suffer from thyroid, do not do it alone, get help from a doctor.
16.Si you teen does not do the first and second phases. Begins the third phase or consolidación.Ya age are still growing and need the vitamins of the fruit, for example, and the fruit can not be consumed in the first 2 phases. And of course your parents are aware of what you're doing. (Of the adolescents at risk for obesity, also speaks Pierre Dukan in his book)
17.Si you can not complete the second phase and have lost weight a few kilos, do not throw it all away. Do the maintenance and consolidation of those kilos (you have to do 10 days of consolidation per kilo lost) because otherwise you do, the rebound effect can be brutal and twice the fat you lost. Once you finish the consolidation if you feel you can force to start the diet and get your weight right. 18.No
have to go hungry. This is the best of this diet, you eat the foods allowed unlimited quantity, weighing food!!

Well, I hope these tips help you

Fiction> For biscuits, muffins, or muffins will not burn above, you can put aluminum foil over halfway through cooking time. To verify facts that are pricked with the tip of a knife comes out clean is that they are. I use yeast or leavening depending on what you put in the recipe. To me at first either me things went well, I remember my first pancake oat bran, jajajajaja I was made a stir! With practice you will learn ....

Kisses for everyone