Monday, December 27, 2010

Aztec Tribal Armbands

Results 19 th week of diet Dukan

This diet is amazing ... even I think I'm getting my weight in so little time. It is now 57.5 kg weight !!!!!!...
tomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Jajajajajaja I am delighted, I say happy, euphoric! According to the official website of the Dukan diet my weight is just 57.6 kg, so they say ... I'M ON MY WEIGHT! thing is that I prefer to round to 57 kilos and have that range of 600 grams to keep;) On the metrics above can not be put grams which puts me 1 kilo needed to move to the next phase or stage consolidation (maintenance) but are actually only 500 grams which I have plenty: D But I think I'll wait to spend the Christmas holidays to spend a conso ... then start my real battle to stay in my weight ... because I found that losing weight is chupao, hahaha The most difficult is to stay and you know that ... I'll do ! God is my witness that I will never weigh 80 kilos, no way!

Thank you for your comments of encouragement, help me much help, when dieting, is very important to have a group of friends that understand your situation, a person who has never been fat can not understand this. ah! Greetings to sugar, pepper and salt, is a page that also appears my blog. Besitos

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