Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bubble Of Pus In Mouth

Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda National Invitational Carnival

On Saturday March 26th at the sports complex the Forge in the municipality of Los Salias, there will be a new edition of Invitational and this time Cup International BMX Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda.

The regional committee of the state of Miranda turned Bicicross invitations to delegations of Aruba, Curacao, Puerto Rico, Colombia and others to attend this event

"We are organizing a quality event, a meeting where our partners demonstrate their talent and offer a sight to be admired by the fans of sports, "said coach Luis Montenegro.

Entries: 50 Bsf
: Novice and Expert
80 Bsf: Elite and Junior. Start

Skills: 10 am

Sketch com to get on track:


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