Friday, March 11, 2011

Invitation For Griha Pravesh

Sardines in foil

Hi everyone! How's that diet? I as always great, my weight today is 53.6 kg so I'm keeping between 53 and 54 kilos perfectly and that my gala dinners are amazing with chocolate cakes included. This diet is great, eat well and lose weight. I do not understand people that are criticizing so much ... well, actually, if I understand it happens to the people most critical are those that are getting rich at the expense of people with obesity, selling diets who need to use lots of pills and preparations are useless .... enough is enough to fool people, please.
There are people who criticize do not learn well first diet, this diet is not only the phase of pure proteins, which otherwise takes a few days at the kilos on ... has 4 phases: the first only proteins in the second protein and vegetables, the third since he joined the fruit, wholemeal bread, lentils, pasta .... and a fourth phase we do the rest of our lives if we do not want to get fat. ... because we stop dreaming, your body has what we call metabolic memory and tends to want to re-weigh the same weight, this is also known as the rebound effect ... but in this fourth phase can eat normally for 6 days and 1 week, on Thursday, pure proteins do. If you can eat normal food .... and that means all, do not go with the foods that we know that fat, and only 1 day to make a small sacrifice I'm willing to do, because I have very clear is that ever again weigh 80 kilos.
Be careful to drink the recommended amount of water, 1.5 l. to 2 l. of water every day and excess protein is eliminated.
The theme of the fruit is another issue which is critical to this diet. Let's see ... the fruit is very healthy, but for people who are healthy and overweight people are not healthy. So when you get the weight just joined the fruit, I mean, that's on this diet do not eat fruit is a lie, eat in third stage or phase of consolidation.
Well, now I put this recetita I hope you like it.

SARDINES in foil

4 sardines
50 gr 25 gr onion leek

1 tomato

garlic powder Put everything into a bag of baking paper to form a bag Albal (the classic foil) and roast in the oven at 200 º for 25 minutes, to allow more time if we are not made. I have not put salt, sardines because they are slightly salty, but if you want you can put a little salt.

Thank you so much all for reading and welcome to new followers, mother that we are already over 300, I hope this blog encourage you to change your habits of life and really start living.

then answer your questions, I have to go do some recadinos ....

Kisses to all / as

Editing ....

Well, now I have a little while I will answer questions from the previous post and the next entry answer any of this, okay? otherwise we make a mess .... And there is no way I'm enganchaita to facebook and then I have no time to enter the blog ...

Nancyflor> I've seen you continued to decline. Congratulations

Xenia> of you have time, I happened by your blog:) When I started writing this blog did not exist on the diet almost dukan in English, there are now many well that's OK because more people are thinking about recipes for dieting easier, but seeks to inform good prospect, read the books of Pierre Dukan, because some people are making some mistakes and a lot of people read them. For starters I've seen people using oil in recipes for the attack phase or cruise ... in the diet are cooked without oil dukan

Misae> So I say to Xenia, and as I have a little bit you Sergi visit

> Congratulations and forward

Cuchipú> As I can make you a visit.

Many thanks to all the other Chelsea Corner, laura-AZG, Ines, Manager, Patty, Nancyflor, Princesaa, Eli, Nouvel, Mabel, Cecy, Nicole, Bethlehem, Cyn_metamorfosis, Kizkur and Melannie



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