Monday, February 28, 2011

Brent Corriganzac Efron

Tocuyo scoreless

As every year and what can be regarded as a classic within the national BMX, this Sunday 06 March we will be developing the the 1st National Invitational BMX Valid Carnival Tocuyo on the campus of the BMX track "Don Juan Lorenzo" in the town of El Tocuyo, Lara State, Venezuela only track that has a tunnel through which pass the corridors.
This extends to the whole BMX community in Venezuela who wants to celebrate the carnival in the style BMX.
Pot Elite: 1000Bs + Registration
Pote Team: 3000 Bs
Skill Hours:
9:30 a.m.: Opening Ceremony.
10: oo am: Start of Competitions.
Saturday from 08:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Sunday : 8:00 am to 8:50 am.
Registration Fee:
Junior and Elite (20 "and 24") = 80 Bs
Cruises Ladies Novice = 50 Bs
Device by State or Brand = 100Bs

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Template To Plan An Audit

A weekly menu of consolidation

Hi Everyone ace! How about? I great, keeping me on the 53, 53.6 peso today so all is well. I have not updated because I now follow this rule:
I'm beginning to feel the effects of the gym, although I will stop going because I have a bike at home, and 2 weights 2 kilos each. Yes, I know that many / as do you think that if I leave the gym, I'll stop exercising ... well sorry to say that the same thought about the diet and see the result, I get my goal. A loggerhead no one beats me and what I do is to plan a schedule for making exercise a normal routine in my life. I will get up early and do an hour bike every day. Today I made a little over 100 minutes. And do not get bored because I put the TV in front and pull pedaling.

going to put a menu of consolidation, but is made according to my personal tastes, okay. You can draw up your / as in your own way;)


1 coffee with skim milk comprehensive
2 toasts with ham
2 Scrambled

rabbit with asparagus chard
1 0% sweetened yogurt SNACK

1 coffee with skim milk 1 loaf

DINNER Grilled chicken with eggplant
2 cheeses ligth

1 coffee with skim milk
1 sandwich bread with cheeses ligth (made in the toaster)

1 block
tomato and cucumber salad with cheese burgos 0% mg
baked salmon with lemon slices
1 strawberry yogurt 0%
1 coffee with milk cinnamon cake

white asparagus
DINNER Grilled sole
havarti cheese 1 serving

1 coffee with skim milk 1 bagel
bread with butter and jam ligth ligth

1 pear FOOD
pasta salad (macaroni, tomatoes, boiled eggs and tuna)
Chicken breast grilled with garlic and 1 lmón
flavored yogurt SNACK
1 coffee with skim milk muffins dukan


Turkey stew with vegetables 1 slice of cheese with gelatin
1 coffee with skim milk 1 cake dukan

1 coffee MORNING MEDIA milk (up and down the market, lol)

FOOD Beef grilled yogurt
1 0% 1 mg

coffee smoothie 0% cottage cheese with cinnamon and aspartame mg

Bisque dukan lemon custard (no cornstarch)

coffee with skim milk 2 slices of bread with cheese spread San Millán 0% mg
1 naranaja

Assorted grilled mushrooms (in mercadona sell a bag of mushrooms frozen is fine)

2 onions Cod litgh cheeses
1 coffee with skim milk cake
DINNER Steamed Cauliflower

Chicken with strawberry sauce (saute onion in nonstick skillet and add a little water if you see burning, put strawberry jam ligth and wait a bit and a blender. The contrast of sweet and salty looks great ... at least I like)
1 flan dukan

coffee with skim milk 2 slices of bread grain (rye leads, wheat, oats ...)
1 pear

Cream of vegetables (tomato, pumpkin, onion and paprika)
Poached eggs with peppers
1 yogurt with apple SNACK

1 coffee with skim milk
1 dukan
bread casserole DINNER
grouper fishing (onion, garlic, 1 cup of fish stock, white wine, parsley and paprika .... the paprika was missed, Viva Extremadura !)
coffee cake (this is an experiment I want to do, the gelatin cheesecake ....) Nescafe add

1 coffee with skim milk muffins
1 soy bread
2 tangerines


white bread 1 coffee with milk chocolate with a cane
SNACK sweetened yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oat bran
lettuce and tomato salad with tuna sauce (put in the glass blender 1 boiled egg, 4 tablespoons whipped cream cheese 0% mg, 25 gr onion, 1 can of natural tuna, parsley and salt and grind it all and threw it to the lettuce and tomato)
1 serving havarti cheese

As you can see the pasta and legumes take them on Wednesday, a week of pasta, and the following pulses. How then comes Thursday proteins what little I can come up with starchy lowered. Notice that on the Thursday of proteins can not eat fruit or vegetables or bread ... it costs a bit after eating fruit every day, but must be respected if we are not fat.

Then I edited this entry is missing answer your question, is that my family and I are preparing things to go fishing this afternoon. until then ...

Editing ...

Well, fishing has not been any good, it has not chopped a single one, hahaha Maybe next time have more luck ... the most important is the family later we have lived. We picnicking, my family bologna sandwich and juice and I have been a pancake dukan wrapped in aluminum foil and coffee with skim milk in a thermos. The afternoon was very nice with a temperate climate incredible that this day has robbed the spring ... oh! the field makes me feel so spiritual ... so peaceful ...

I want to thank all the post's comments earlier and already on this. Thanks to lose a little of your time and comment ... THANKS!

WELCOME AS A NEW / AS FOLLOWERS! Are already 279, my mother ... I sincerely hope that this blog will encourage you to change your life, to change the mental chip and improve your health and appearance because as You can check whether you can LOSE WEIGHT! Nyu

> Te respondo al comentario anterior y al de esta entrada. El agar-agar equivale a la gelatina neutra por lo que es un alimento permitido, es decir sin limite. Aquí en este enlace tienes información sobre los alimentos permitidos y tolerados de la dieta dukan, esta en francés pero se puede traducir con el traductor de google    En cuanto al salvado de avena, ahora me da por tomarmelo por las tardes, ya que me desayuno el pan integral. Fijate que pongo MERIENDA= 1 café con leche desnatada y 1 pan de molde dukan o 2 magdalenas dukan, o 1 tortita dukan....Besitos colega dukaniana ;)

Liz> No haces nada mal...lo que creo es que do not have to forget about the half-hour walk, okay? Thanks for your feedback

Francisco manuel> I can use condiments for cooking but in small quantities to keep it that: condiments. For example you can use onion until in the days of pure protein but without using a whole because it would already be considered a vegetable. You can also use half a lemon, but you can not use a whole lemon in the first 2 phases because that would be considered fruit and fruit can not eat at these steps until you reach consolidation. Misu

> skimmed milk powder bought it in Mercadona and Asturiana brand, the bag is green

Rubenrufle> In my next entry will post menus in the attack phase and cruise for you to be starting. Look at my blog archive of previous menus, for before reaching consolidation've been through attack and cruise also

Noelia> Slimming is a very personal and willpower has to come from inside you, as much as I will say, if you think it's going to be no ... you have to think so! Bekki

> Yes, what is allowed as it will and I'm eating enough, with smallish I'm amazed you see me eat. Of course, that even now I move. Today 100 minutes of bike in the morning, the home offices in the field fisheries half-hour walk, and now I do another 35 minute bike after washing up for dinner ... (come on that diet and exercise is what works)

Athena> if I take vitamins, but when I remember not every day maybe every 4 or 5 days because I'm clueless. Armindo

> When I started the diet dukan, coaching the official website of Spain was not yet in operation, and when he started to run and had just gotten my weight. I think if you read the book have enough information to accomplish your goal, although it is true that coaching comes in handy for those who falter or who do well despite stagnate in weight. Nouvel

Do not know if you can use sucarlosa .... I have to investigate, so far I have used aspartame and saccharin as sweeteners. If you eat sweets for diabetics ... but be careful, do not have to carry any fat or meal ... better learn to make candy and gelatin dukanianos.Si can make flan, but are 0% fat and sugar, the better also homemade. I do not know if you can make sugar free Red Bull ... I am content with being able to take zero coca-cola, coca-cola ligth, home zero, fanta zero. coffee, tea.

Scarlatta> oat bran you can find in health food stores. Although now a bit low, do not know why, jejejeje

Thank you very much to all of you others for your comments. I will continue updating ... Besitos

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fixing Iron Lever To Ironing Board

Venezuelan Olympic BMX

Athletes Hernandez Jonathan Smith and Stefany Suman points in the Latin American BMX Championships held in Cordoba (Argentina) scoring for the Latin American ranking ICU looking for qualifying for the Olympic Games London 2012, which attracted more than 250 runners from countries like Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and even Denmark.

Hernandez managed to place the first day of competition in 3rd place behind Mariana Pajon (Colombia) and local Gabriela Diaz (Argentina), but on Saturday made the necessary adjustments and got placed 2nd behind the Colombian Pajón.

For his part, "The Mosquito" Suarez Jonathan managed to place the 4th Friday and Saturday after going second in the semi had mechanical problems with his bike and the 5th was letting off the end.

"In the semifinals came second and I let out a clip, are the pedals, so I lost speed to skip an area of \u200b\u200beight feet long and I passed. It bothered me a lot because I was sure I could make a medal, but fell to fifth. Be convinced to keep looking for the points for London, "said The Mosquito.

Results Friday:

JUNIOR: 1-Alfredo Campo (Ecuador), 2-Lucas Bustos (Argentina), 3-Igor Ferreira (Brazil), 4-Hugo Osteti (Brazil), 5-Allan Oliveira (Brazil) , 6-Oto Duch (Argentina), 7-Agustin Suarez (Argentina), 8-Federico Villegas (Argentina).

ELITE LADIES: 1-Mariana Pajon (Colombia), 2-Gabriela Diaz (Argentina), 3-Stefany Hernandez (Venezuela), 4-Florence Soriano (Argentina), 5-Andrea Zuluega (Colombia), 6 - Mariana Diaz (Argentina), 7 - Stephen Gomez (Colombia), 8 - Naiara Silva (Brazil)

ELITE: 1-Ramiro Marino (Argentina), 2-Federico Polo (Argentina), 3-Augusto Castro (Colombia), 4-Jonathan Suarez (Venezuela), 5-Renato Rezende (Brazil), 6. Jose Diaz (Colombia), 7 - Jose Escudero (Ecuador), 8 - Andres Jimenez (Colombia)

results on Saturday:

JUNIOR: 1-Lucas Bustos (Argentina), 2-Matheus Da Silva (Brazil), 3 -Federico Villegas (Argentina), 4-Igor Ferreira (Brazil), 5 - Ignacio Cruz (Chile), 6-Gaspar Manzini (Argentina) 7 - Alfredo Campo (Ecuador), 8-Hugo Osteti (Brazil).

ELITE LADIES: 1-Mariana Pajon (Colombia), 2 - Stefany Hernandez (Venezuela), 3 - Florence Soriano (Argentina), 4-Mariana Diaz (Argentina), 5-Naiara Silva (Brazil), 6 - Stephen Gomez ( Colombia) ,7-Andrea Zuluaga (Colombia), 8-Gabriela Diaz (Argentina).

ELITE: 1-Ramiro Marino (Argentina), 2-Augusto Castro (Colombia), 3-Jose Escudero (Ecuador) 4 - Federico Polo (Argentina), 5-Carlos Oquendo (Colombia), 6-Andres Jimenez (Colombia) , 7-Agustin Podesta (Argentina), 8-Renato Rezende (Brazil).

Friday, February 18, 2011

2005 Honda Pilot License Plate Bracket

Results 6 mo of diet dukan (1 month and a half consolidation phase)

Pues...queridos / as followers / as...Hoy met dukan diet 6 months (I started it on August 18, 2010) As indicated by the title of this blog, the first 23 kilos to reach my weight just, according to the official website of Dukan (57.6 kg) managed to lose weight in 20 weeks ... that was the December 29, 2010 and started the 3rd phase of the diet or consolidation phase quite incredibly slimming .... I followed! The scale (dukanita, LOL) told me today I weigh 53 kilos !!!!!!!! ....... I've lost 27 KILOS IN 6 MONTHS !!!!!! It may seem lightweight, but it is, I'm very short, just my height 148 cm, even I get to five feet, hahahaha According to the calculation of my BMI (body mass index) my weight is NORMAL!! Tomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!! I have no obesity, type I or type II obesity or even overweight, I have a normal weight:)

Here are the data on numbers of how well it has worked Dukan diet. Pierre Dukan Viva!!

Home dukan-----18/08/2010.........80, 1 kg 18/02/2011-----------------53 kg
contorno de pecho........................95 cm                    contorno de pecho...............83 cm
contorno de cintura.......................95 cm                    contorno ............... waist 70 cm hip circumference
....................... 115 cm , hip circumference .............. .91 cm
body mass index 36.5 ................ Body mass index 24.2 ........ TYPE II

Height: 148 cm
age: 39 years
kilos lost: 27 kg

The BMI calculator I've used I have the following comments:

"Your BMI indicates that have a healthy weight . Your ideal weight is between 40.5 kg and 54.8 kg according to the World Health Organization.

Your BMI is ideal. You have a healthy amount of fat in the body, which is associated with longer life and lower chances of serious illness. Coincidence or not, people perceive people with BMI more aesthetically attractive.

A BMI below 18.5 indicates malnutrition or health problems, while a BMI over 25 indicates overweight. Above 30 is mild obesity, and above 40 is obese high need ongoing medical monitoring. "

After reading this, I can say .... CONSEGUIDOOOOOOO GOAL!! I can be calmer now because I know I have a margin of 4 kilos between what today weight and the weight just told me Dukan, at the earliest sign of 57 k upload I'll attack, haha \u200b\u200bI'm sure I'll never get fat again ... I know!

Thank you very much for commenting and welcome to new followers as / as. I encourage you .... dukan diet works!!

I have to update the photos of before and after, lol

Alicia> I hope you have gone right analytical. Katia

bsos> When I put ligth cheeses cheeses I mean the portions of triangular shape;)

Camila> If I find out how you can get books will tell you. Here in the blog archive in August there is an entry that is a summary of the diet, if you do that also become slim. I wish to edit the books in Chile. Angela

> is that I have not ever eaten pumpkin, but if Family zucchini and squash, if permitted.

Many thanks to all others. I will continue updating ... did not end until September consolidated ............

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Will Tvs Continue To Drop

1st National Invitational in La Esmeralda (Carabobo)

People BMX makes life on the BMX track Esmeralda carabobo been invited to the Invitational 1st 2011. Therefore

extends a cordial invitation to all athletes who wish to participate in this event.

Location: Track Urb Lomas de La Esmeralda, Municipio San Diego, Carabobo State.

Date: 19/02/2011

Time: 8:00 am

Registration Cost: 50 B Novice, Expert and Cruise, 80 Bs Junior and Elite. Today

Monday, February 14, 2011

Panasonic Lumex Camera Case


Hi Everyone ace! That it going? All right? Today is Valentine's Day and mine just sent me a message. Oddly enough, today Justito 18 years ago we started out (3 years of dating and 15 married), I remember my best friend was getting married, and had the wedding date and everything, but the boy had been in Segovia that Saturday and left the two together in celebration. We find that years later would be my husband and father of my children and my friend was to tell him about her wedding turns out that he had wanted to date her, with my friend (by that time I told my friend not to go out with him, hahaha I think it was subconscious thing ... I wanted for me, hehe) and his reaction was spending the arm around her shoulders and say, "Oh yeah?? And when we got married you and me?" A week later, on 20, years ago and left all her friends to come with me hanging. He told me and I do not think so, and he pulled out his wallet and showed me the ID ... it was true! left to celebrate her birthday to be with me !!.... Ay! my love ... I still love you.

Well, I leave a recetita for this special day ... that everyone you may have a good Valentine's Day ...
Ingredients: 500 grams

skimmed milk 100 gr. spreadable cheese San Millán 0% 4 mg
cheeses cheese 2 tablespoons beaten
1 mg 0% with pieces of strawberry yogurt sweetened
mg 0% 1 envelope gelatin 1 tablespoon neutral
½ sweetener (or 2 if you are very greedy, but notice that this is already sweet) Strawberry Jam
ligth to decorate
Preparation: Separate
a cup of milk 500 grams and set aside. Put all the ingredients except the jelly and jam in the glass of the Thermomix, set temperature 90 degrees 7 minutes velocidad 4, cuando ya vaya por 50º añadir la gelatina neutra disuelta en la taza de leche que habíamos reservado. Verter la mezcla en un molde y dejar cuajar en la nevera. Una vez cuajada, desmoldar y adornar con mermelada ligth de fresa por encima. (Si no le ponéis la mermelada, la receta es valida para crucero)

He tenido que hacer la foto desde lejos, porque de cerca, al haber puesto la tarta en una bandeja blanca con el flas salían brillos y no quedaba bien la foto...el trozo que está en el plato, me lo he tomado para desayunar, que buena está....a mi me ha gustado, espero que a vosotros/as también.

Ahora respondo a vuestras preguntas: Lula

> The days of pure proteins should be just that, pure protein days ... I have respected ... but if you have temptations and you can not avoid, you better take some dessert tolerated than skip the diet with a forbidden food. And you know that in case of deadlock must leave tolerated. Giselle

> You can take vitamins if you want, nothing happens, if you do not pass the recommended dose, of course. I've made, but when I remember ... every 4 or 5 days because I'm clueless, lol I have not ever eaten sausage, but if they are allowed meat and protein than the carbohydrate, if you can with that percentage de grasa, pero siempre que sean frescas y no embutidos industriales que pueden llevar almidón, fécula de patata u otros hidratos que no están permitidos. Lo que si he comido han sido las hamburguesas de ave (pollo y pavo) y la carne picada que venden en mercadona.

Maria Cecilia> Bueno, pues después de los chocolates de San Valentí ataqueeeeeeee y a por los kilooooooss!!! Ah! y no sé si sabes que se pueden hacer bombones dukan, pincha en el enlace del blog de este dukaniano (si, un hombre...que también hay muchos que siguen la dieta dukan)

Muchas gracias a todas the others for comment, Liz, Anabel, Princesaa, Pai, Maria Mendez, Bekki, and the corner of Chelsea. Welcome

/ os to new followers / as:)

Kisses to everyone

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Army Monthly Counseling Statement Help

Marisa del Dago

Comprehensive Level I Make
Starts: Wednesday April 6, 2011

Hours: Morning Time 10 to 12:30 pm.
Night Time: 19:00 to 21:30 pm

Duration: - 36 classes - 9 months - is attended once a week

Tuition: $ 200
9 shares of $ 330

Makeup Integral LEVEL II CLASS

Contents and characteristics of the course:

Integral Makeup

For Alumni Level I and II

Areas and topics:
* History makeup from prehistory to Ninth century.
* Productions stylistic photo with triggers: POP ART, BAROQUE, NEO-GOTH, ETHNIC EARLY, GREAT FASHION DESIGNERS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY * Bodypainting

term and final exams - is asked folder of sketches, headdresses and carrying out practical work. Armed
Portfolio (BOOK) in photo studio.

will present certificates

This course aims to complete and thorough training of the social makeup branch, (Beauty) to enable it to perform in the market for Brides, 15, and parties. You can also make up for women and men with unattractive (vitiligo, rosacea, dark circles deep, melasma, unwanted tattoos, angiomas, etc.).

Understand the different designs and techniques eye makeup (Smoky Eyes blurred, watercolor, etc.) and management and corrective pictorial colorimetry.

Contents and characteristics of the course:

pre-registration to send the following full record:

pre-registration Form: All fields are required.

Course chosen:
day course: Course Schedule

If interested please register by email to
study to 4792-4772 Monday to Friday from 15 to 20 hours. Hipólito Yrigoyen

51 of 205 Martínez

Secteraría Monday through Friday from 15 to 20 hours

Sample Donation Letter To Churches

cheese cake and apple pate

Hello! What's up? I was very happy, enjoying my walks around town a lot ... people stare at me, some even turn around (that I know because I was in front of a window and saw a girl who knows me, there was the back at me, hahaha) Many people congratulated me and congratulates me, and many more people still stop me on the street to ask questions about diet Dukan. If a few months ago, I thought that half of the city where I live I was doing, I think now is the whole city, hahahaha so bad that when I go to Mercadona, or herbalist to why I need, and it is not! At least I have plenty of imagination and invention recipes adapted or me, as I have in the fridge.

Haber, I tell you my menu today, to give you ideas for when you get to the third phase of the diet ... Ah! I forgot to clarify that there are people who tell me: "Sure, you're already consolidated and you have it easier," Haber, before reaching consolidation, I have also gone through the first two stages and I've taken 25 kilos is said soon. Consolidation also has its sacrifices ... for example, the gala dinners, can not be repeated plate and only one meal a day gala, but the next day does a horror back to the diet. Then there is the Thursday of pure protein to be respected, but is also very hard after being accustomed to eating vegetables, fruit and bread every day, apart from the pasta and lentils ... not so nice, no . You have to respect the rules of the third phase, but the maintenance of diet fail ... That to me is not going to happen ... I'm going to keep my weight! Weight 55.1 kg today and last week there were some days that I even 54.9 kg. On Sunday I ate a snack of bread-pan (as I call white bread bakery, come on) of ham and coffee with whole milk with a donut real chocolate, yum, yum, so good, I enjoyed it a lot, I ate slowly enjoying the moment ....

Menu (consolidation)
a skim latte cupcakes dukan

midmorning coffee with skim milk another

Eating Soup with seafood julienne (I put everything together to cook, seafood: mussels, squid, clams and shrimp, cabbage, green beans and shredded carrots with a little water and vegetable broth defatted)
2 slices of bread
ligth snack cheeses

A red apple salad Dinner
tops and peppers Chicken
garlic (the recipe is in the book "Recipes Dukan" really recommend it)
mg 0% 1 yogurt with chunks of plum

I leave a recetita already posted on my facebook profile. If you take away the apple, also applies to cruise. Hope you like ...

cheese and apple cake (consolidated)
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons
oat bran
1 tablespoon wheat bran
100 gr. spreadable cheese San Millan 0% mg 4 egg whites

... cheese 2 tablespoons beaten mg 0%
cinnamon to taste half a block

1 teaspoon baking powder 1 dash of skimmed milk (1 CS)
Preheat oven to 180 º. Mix all ingredients and beat well. Put in a silicone mold. Cut the apple into slices and put in the finite mass snug. Leave in oven 35 minutes (this depends on the oven.) Sprinkle a bit of aspartame, gives a brighter appearance. I hope osguste, my yes;)
Now I answer your questions:
Martina> What I did to avoid the deadlock was to change the rate of alternation of cruise. I started doing 2 days and 1 pp pv ... but everyone is different. Still doing well and see how low. This is not any competition, each person loses weight at different rates ... I promise you do not give a medal to lose weight before, hehehe important thing is to go thinner but more slowly. That if the reasons I've never lost;) (I think of my children, I live to be with them, and being overweight I can not enjoy life, and children will notice ...)
Adii> I know a friend from Mexico that is not taken as oat bran and does everything else equal and is thinning.
Nuria> Search file blog entries in August, the summary of the diet. But it is very interesting that you buy the book: Do not get slim DR. Pierre Dukan. Reading it will understand many things, mainly because their method works.
Xil> not give you bad candy recipes. Can eat every day, but you have to take into account dose of oat bran daily and carries food tolerated.
All other many thanks for your comments, presumed by the rat, My little stitch, Hairsprai, Melora, pin, Bekki, Cecilia, Anita dukan, Angela and Mammi Blue ... thanks and I never tire of giving them:)
Wellcome to new followers / es
Animooooooooooo and by kilos !!!!! Why?? because we / you so valemooooooooos !!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dale Technology Model It400e For Hi-fi Amps

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cartier Pave Diamondtrinity Ring

chicken livers (to spread on bread Dukan, lol)

Hello, that such all / you? Well, a few days I've been worried, because last Sunday instead of a gala meal a day, I todoooooooo Sunday's gala, viva la pepa hala! That can not be done, is just a state dinner the day .... but having a stone is not everything is so good, jooo! I skipped the diet, but that does not happen again because the feeling of guilt is much larger than the small moment of pleasure I could get. I made breakfast gala, namely real chocolate with churros truth, nothing more and nothing less than 5 churros, and then a sandwich with white bread cheeses and ham ... a good breakfast we dress, lol . But it did not end there because I went to my mother and I ate a "fosquito" chocolate with coffee in the afternoon, then had dinner like the rest of my family. Bone, mal, muy mal, eso no se puede hacer y no volverá a pasar. De castigo, tomaaaa!!! ayer pesaba un kilo más, 56, pero hoy y después de hacer sólo conso el lunes y el martes, tachán!!!! peso 55,6 kg, así que animo a todos/as porque esto.....FUNCIONAAAA!!! y no me ha hecho falta ni hacer más días de pp ni nada de eso. Mañana cumpliré con el jueves de proteínas y espero ir volviendo durante la semana a los 55 exactos, y si no, me autocastigo a mi misma y no tengo comida de gala esta semana...por mala!!! que ya me tiré de gala todo el domingo pasado entero, jajajaja

Ahora os pongo una receta de paté que me inventé anoche, modificando una receta de la thermomix. I ate it spread on bread, but surely that Dukan bread will also be good;)

livers PÂTÉ
CHICKEN Ingredients: 200 gr. of chicken livers, 2 or 3 slices of chicken breast, half an onion, 2 tablespoons whipped cream cheese 0% mg, a pinch of white pepper, 1 clove, a dash of garlic powder, parsley, 1 / 4 of a fat vegetable broth, and salt to taste.
Preparation: In a nonstick skillet to very finely chopped onion with a little water and salt, put more water if you see that is going to burn. when the onion is tender to the remaining ingredients, except cheese, chicken liver and the chicken very finely, add water and cook until it is all done well. Remove from heat and when hot add the cheese and stir the mixture. After grinding all very well in a blender

Well, now try to answer your questions .... Maria Mendez

> vegetable stock cubes bought in scouring the Mercadona, are 50% less fat. Herbalists also sell some stock cubes are low in fat. Camila

> I do not know where you can download the book. I prefer to read them the old fashioned way. But researching and looking, because the Internet goes ....

Silk> That has a little bit, I spend to see your blog;)

Vicky> The rule is not to eat fruit in the first two stages and I have respected. Fructose is fruit sugar that is and we know that sugar ... I think that only fat is likely to stall once and I did was change the rhythm of alternation, pp instead of 1 / 1 pv to 2 pp / 1 pv .

Xenites> In a moment you have visited, these days I've been a little busy ... Angela

> still doing well, is in times of stagnation when it comes to be stronger;)

Adii> Eggs me sometimes I make the iron and look good;) you have to use a good nonstick pan, you put a drop oil and spread over the entire pan with a paper towel and let it warm up well, and there you get the food. To make biscuits, muffins, etc come in handy silicone molds, and which do not stick anything. Another thing ... it's not OK to use oatmeal, it is right to use oat bran is the shell that covers the grain. If you do not find it, do everything else but that, but do not use oatmeal, you might as well use wheat flour ... Carol

> can make wheat bran at all stages, but only 1 tablespoon per day maximum. I advise you not to screw up the daily dose of oat bran, start to make the biscuits in the cruise phase as is easier to multiply by 2, since cruise is to take 2 tablespoons of oat bran a day. If you read my posts, you'll see that in the attack phase I take the oatmeal pancake, then later I started making cupcakes and cake recipes, and always multiplying by 2. See my recipe for bread for four days, takes 8 tablespoons of oat bran;)

Corinne> jajajajajajajaja I share it with you, mate: D

muchim thanks to all the others, my mother 28 comments! Thank you very much for losing a little of your time to comment on my blog. Come! ESE ANIMO UP THAT ... IF PUEDEEEEEEEEE! This summer, all in a bikini! let's go ahead! And Scarlatta O, hara tell you that if I have to go hungry for forbidden food, God is my witness that NEVER, NEVER EVER again weigh 80 KILOS, JAAAAAMAAAAAAAASSSSS NUNCAAAAAAA GO! and if I skip the diet today, tomorrow is another day ........

kisses to everyone