Friday, February 18, 2011

2005 Honda Pilot License Plate Bracket

Results 6 mo of diet dukan (1 month and a half consolidation phase)

Pues...queridos / as followers / as...Hoy met dukan diet 6 months (I started it on August 18, 2010) As indicated by the title of this blog, the first 23 kilos to reach my weight just, according to the official website of Dukan (57.6 kg) managed to lose weight in 20 weeks ... that was the December 29, 2010 and started the 3rd phase of the diet or consolidation phase quite incredibly slimming .... I followed! The scale (dukanita, LOL) told me today I weigh 53 kilos !!!!!!!! ....... I've lost 27 KILOS IN 6 MONTHS !!!!!! It may seem lightweight, but it is, I'm very short, just my height 148 cm, even I get to five feet, hahahaha According to the calculation of my BMI (body mass index) my weight is NORMAL!! Tomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!! I have no obesity, type I or type II obesity or even overweight, I have a normal weight:)

Here are the data on numbers of how well it has worked Dukan diet. Pierre Dukan Viva!!

Home dukan-----18/08/2010.........80, 1 kg 18/02/2011-----------------53 kg
contorno de pecho........................95 cm                    contorno de pecho...............83 cm
contorno de cintura.......................95 cm                    contorno ............... waist 70 cm hip circumference
....................... 115 cm , hip circumference .............. .91 cm
body mass index 36.5 ................ Body mass index 24.2 ........ TYPE II

Height: 148 cm
age: 39 years
kilos lost: 27 kg

The BMI calculator I've used I have the following comments:

"Your BMI indicates that have a healthy weight . Your ideal weight is between 40.5 kg and 54.8 kg according to the World Health Organization.

Your BMI is ideal. You have a healthy amount of fat in the body, which is associated with longer life and lower chances of serious illness. Coincidence or not, people perceive people with BMI more aesthetically attractive.

A BMI below 18.5 indicates malnutrition or health problems, while a BMI over 25 indicates overweight. Above 30 is mild obesity, and above 40 is obese high need ongoing medical monitoring. "

After reading this, I can say .... CONSEGUIDOOOOOOO GOAL!! I can be calmer now because I know I have a margin of 4 kilos between what today weight and the weight just told me Dukan, at the earliest sign of 57 k upload I'll attack, haha \u200b\u200bI'm sure I'll never get fat again ... I know!

Thank you very much for commenting and welcome to new followers as / as. I encourage you .... dukan diet works!!

I have to update the photos of before and after, lol

Alicia> I hope you have gone right analytical. Katia

bsos> When I put ligth cheeses cheeses I mean the portions of triangular shape;)

Camila> If I find out how you can get books will tell you. Here in the blog archive in August there is an entry that is a summary of the diet, if you do that also become slim. I wish to edit the books in Chile. Angela

> is that I have not ever eaten pumpkin, but if Family zucchini and squash, if permitted.

Many thanks to all others. I will continue updating ... did not end until September consolidated ............


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