Saturday, February 26, 2011

Template To Plan An Audit

A weekly menu of consolidation

Hi Everyone ace! How about? I great, keeping me on the 53, 53.6 peso today so all is well. I have not updated because I now follow this rule:
I'm beginning to feel the effects of the gym, although I will stop going because I have a bike at home, and 2 weights 2 kilos each. Yes, I know that many / as do you think that if I leave the gym, I'll stop exercising ... well sorry to say that the same thought about the diet and see the result, I get my goal. A loggerhead no one beats me and what I do is to plan a schedule for making exercise a normal routine in my life. I will get up early and do an hour bike every day. Today I made a little over 100 minutes. And do not get bored because I put the TV in front and pull pedaling.

going to put a menu of consolidation, but is made according to my personal tastes, okay. You can draw up your / as in your own way;)


1 coffee with skim milk comprehensive
2 toasts with ham
2 Scrambled

rabbit with asparagus chard
1 0% sweetened yogurt SNACK

1 coffee with skim milk 1 loaf

DINNER Grilled chicken with eggplant
2 cheeses ligth

1 coffee with skim milk
1 sandwich bread with cheeses ligth (made in the toaster)

1 block
tomato and cucumber salad with cheese burgos 0% mg
baked salmon with lemon slices
1 strawberry yogurt 0%
1 coffee with milk cinnamon cake

white asparagus
DINNER Grilled sole
havarti cheese 1 serving

1 coffee with skim milk 1 bagel
bread with butter and jam ligth ligth

1 pear FOOD
pasta salad (macaroni, tomatoes, boiled eggs and tuna)
Chicken breast grilled with garlic and 1 lmón
flavored yogurt SNACK
1 coffee with skim milk muffins dukan


Turkey stew with vegetables 1 slice of cheese with gelatin
1 coffee with skim milk 1 cake dukan

1 coffee MORNING MEDIA milk (up and down the market, lol)

FOOD Beef grilled yogurt
1 0% 1 mg

coffee smoothie 0% cottage cheese with cinnamon and aspartame mg

Bisque dukan lemon custard (no cornstarch)

coffee with skim milk 2 slices of bread with cheese spread San Millán 0% mg
1 naranaja

Assorted grilled mushrooms (in mercadona sell a bag of mushrooms frozen is fine)

2 onions Cod litgh cheeses
1 coffee with skim milk cake
DINNER Steamed Cauliflower

Chicken with strawberry sauce (saute onion in nonstick skillet and add a little water if you see burning, put strawberry jam ligth and wait a bit and a blender. The contrast of sweet and salty looks great ... at least I like)
1 flan dukan

coffee with skim milk 2 slices of bread grain (rye leads, wheat, oats ...)
1 pear

Cream of vegetables (tomato, pumpkin, onion and paprika)
Poached eggs with peppers
1 yogurt with apple SNACK

1 coffee with skim milk
1 dukan
bread casserole DINNER
grouper fishing (onion, garlic, 1 cup of fish stock, white wine, parsley and paprika .... the paprika was missed, Viva Extremadura !)
coffee cake (this is an experiment I want to do, the gelatin cheesecake ....) Nescafe add

1 coffee with skim milk muffins
1 soy bread
2 tangerines


white bread 1 coffee with milk chocolate with a cane
SNACK sweetened yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oat bran
lettuce and tomato salad with tuna sauce (put in the glass blender 1 boiled egg, 4 tablespoons whipped cream cheese 0% mg, 25 gr onion, 1 can of natural tuna, parsley and salt and grind it all and threw it to the lettuce and tomato)
1 serving havarti cheese

As you can see the pasta and legumes take them on Wednesday, a week of pasta, and the following pulses. How then comes Thursday proteins what little I can come up with starchy lowered. Notice that on the Thursday of proteins can not eat fruit or vegetables or bread ... it costs a bit after eating fruit every day, but must be respected if we are not fat.

Then I edited this entry is missing answer your question, is that my family and I are preparing things to go fishing this afternoon. until then ...

Editing ...

Well, fishing has not been any good, it has not chopped a single one, hahaha Maybe next time have more luck ... the most important is the family later we have lived. We picnicking, my family bologna sandwich and juice and I have been a pancake dukan wrapped in aluminum foil and coffee with skim milk in a thermos. The afternoon was very nice with a temperate climate incredible that this day has robbed the spring ... oh! the field makes me feel so spiritual ... so peaceful ...

I want to thank all the post's comments earlier and already on this. Thanks to lose a little of your time and comment ... THANKS!

WELCOME AS A NEW / AS FOLLOWERS! Are already 279, my mother ... I sincerely hope that this blog will encourage you to change your life, to change the mental chip and improve your health and appearance because as You can check whether you can LOSE WEIGHT! Nyu

> Te respondo al comentario anterior y al de esta entrada. El agar-agar equivale a la gelatina neutra por lo que es un alimento permitido, es decir sin limite. Aquí en este enlace tienes información sobre los alimentos permitidos y tolerados de la dieta dukan, esta en francés pero se puede traducir con el traductor de google    En cuanto al salvado de avena, ahora me da por tomarmelo por las tardes, ya que me desayuno el pan integral. Fijate que pongo MERIENDA= 1 café con leche desnatada y 1 pan de molde dukan o 2 magdalenas dukan, o 1 tortita dukan....Besitos colega dukaniana ;)

Liz> No haces nada mal...lo que creo es que do not have to forget about the half-hour walk, okay? Thanks for your feedback

Francisco manuel> I can use condiments for cooking but in small quantities to keep it that: condiments. For example you can use onion until in the days of pure protein but without using a whole because it would already be considered a vegetable. You can also use half a lemon, but you can not use a whole lemon in the first 2 phases because that would be considered fruit and fruit can not eat at these steps until you reach consolidation. Misu

> skimmed milk powder bought it in Mercadona and Asturiana brand, the bag is green

Rubenrufle> In my next entry will post menus in the attack phase and cruise for you to be starting. Look at my blog archive of previous menus, for before reaching consolidation've been through attack and cruise also

Noelia> Slimming is a very personal and willpower has to come from inside you, as much as I will say, if you think it's going to be no ... you have to think so! Bekki

> Yes, what is allowed as it will and I'm eating enough, with smallish I'm amazed you see me eat. Of course, that even now I move. Today 100 minutes of bike in the morning, the home offices in the field fisheries half-hour walk, and now I do another 35 minute bike after washing up for dinner ... (come on that diet and exercise is what works)

Athena> if I take vitamins, but when I remember not every day maybe every 4 or 5 days because I'm clueless. Armindo

> When I started the diet dukan, coaching the official website of Spain was not yet in operation, and when he started to run and had just gotten my weight. I think if you read the book have enough information to accomplish your goal, although it is true that coaching comes in handy for those who falter or who do well despite stagnate in weight. Nouvel

Do not know if you can use sucarlosa .... I have to investigate, so far I have used aspartame and saccharin as sweeteners. If you eat sweets for diabetics ... but be careful, do not have to carry any fat or meal ... better learn to make candy and gelatin dukanianos.Si can make flan, but are 0% fat and sugar, the better also homemade. I do not know if you can make sugar free Red Bull ... I am content with being able to take zero coca-cola, coca-cola ligth, home zero, fanta zero. coffee, tea.

Scarlatta> oat bran you can find in health food stores. Although now a bit low, do not know why, jejejeje

Thank you very much to all of you others for your comments. I will continue updating ... Besitos


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