Saturday, January 29, 2011

Can U Bring Epilators

A month consolidation phase and Corinne by Dukan;)

Well, today marks a month since I started the 3 rd phase of the diet or consolidation phase and now my weight is 55.1 kilos, is, that I not only gained not an ounce but also I've lost 2 kilos more and go .... less than 25 kilos! I am very happy because I discovered how not to get fat again in my life and eating!

Os pongo mi menú de ayer, para que cuando estéis en conso tengáis ideas, pero ya sabéis que este menú está hecho según mis gustos personales, vale? vosotras/os podéis cambiarlo por otros alimentos que os gusten más. Esto es otra de las ventajas de esta dieta, los 100 alimentos permitidos se pueden comer a voluntad y combinar cómo se desee.

Menú (consolidación)
1 café con leche desnatada
1 sandwich de queso (calentito, ummm! que rico! hecho en la sandwichera con 2 rebanadas de pan integral y 2 quesitos ligth marca santé)
Media mañana
1 manzana golden
3 filetes de hígado de ternera with roasted peppers (take the filets grilled liver and pour a can of roasted peppers with some of its juice and leave to warm the whole)
1 piece of cheeses and chocolate pudding snack

1 coffee with milk dukan
1 bread (you have to keep taking the 2 tablespoons of oat bran)

Dinner Vegetable soup with hake (put into a saucepan a medallion of hake skin and bones and a handful of frozen mixed vegetables with little water and 1 quart vegetable broth and 1 quesito ligth fat when we cooked it in a blender) 1 plain yogurt sweetened
1 mg infusion of horsetail

This is what I eat is absolutely true, how can you observe is a wonderful diet, do not spend hunger and lose weight. Sunday morning will do my weekly gala dinner, but I think it will be a gala breakfast and I'm going to polish off one donut is my favorite candy, donuts like Homer ..., arrggg! I drool at the thought.

Well, again I have to thank a fellow blogger and dukaniana to which I have done well and several of his recipes. Corinne is Dukan and this is his blog
In this post you have several accounts People who have lost weight through diet dukan.

I want to tell also that I have already bought the book of recipes dukan, in a bookstore in my town. Is nothing more and nothing less than 350 recipes, and are very easy and simple to do, nothing to do with the 60 recipes Dukan Method Illustrated that are a little more "picky." Yesterday I read the book in one sitting and I loved it. I think that with all the information that I have, forums, blogs and books, I will not get fat again nuncaaaa! In this book, the author of the diet, dr. Pierre Dukan, announces that there will be another building for recipes because the recipes in this are for the first 2 phases. The truth is that is fine, I recommend it.

now answer your questions:

Lola> The unsweetened cocoa solids, and brand value, I bought it in Mercadona, but long ago, I was in before the diet, as he used to make Tiramisu, the same thing packaging has changed on the outside, and that goes a long way. You also have fat-free cocoa and sugar in health food stores;)

Nancyflor> The surimi is permitted in the cruise phase and if you take it in the form of chunks, the amount is about 8 chunks of surimi day. Corinne

Dukan> Thanks gorgeous! you really are an artist in the kitchen! Eva

> Yes, wheat bran must be comprehensive, surely puts him in the container. The less fat cheeses I've found are brand Santé and have a 3% fat if you eat them while ensuring that throughout the day, the amount of milk does not exceed 800 grams. Angela

> not considered stagnant until about 7 days have passed in the same weight. It is normal that the scale fluctuate, up or down overnight. At the beginning of the diet, not to come to me down, I weighed in every week, so the results are more spectacular and more you dare. Courage and resist even the scale, it is precisely at this moment have to be strong and continue to do well, you'll see how soon to move the needle back down;)

Adie> Cheese is milk and therefore, must take into account not go from 800 grams of total dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese , cottage cheese 0%, etc) during the day. The amount of meat, where allowed, (because pork, lamb, flat beak birds, duck, goose, are not permitted) you can eat as much as you want, no limit! I will not say more than I one day I gobbled half chicken all by myself, and I've lost hahaha! vegetables, like meat, fish and shellfish ... AT WILL! the amount you want, but that si los días de proteínas y verduras no te olvides de consumir también 1 gramo de proteína por kilo que peses, ese día no te alimentes sólo de verduras, eso es un error, está dieta es hiperprotéica y cómo tal la base imprescindible de la misma son las proteínas.

Muchas gracias a todas las demás por comentar MJ, Hairsprai, Katherine, Reyes, La ratita presumida, María Mendez, y también bienvenidos y gracias, a los nuevos/as seguidores/as por leer este blog.

Animo que este verano vamos a estar todos, tipitooooo!!!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Is The Best Unrated Movies

cheeses and chocolate flan

Bueno, ¿Qué tal va todo? Hoy os traigo una recetita I love it, also because it was the first dessert I made in the diet, but I've improved the recipe. I have done in a silicone mold shaped like bear and I had breakfast a bear's paw, jajajaja along with coffee. Is a recipe that has tolerated, so you know it is for the cruise phase, not the whole eat in a day, right? because it takes 3 tablespoons cocoa mg 0% and no sugar. Hope you like my kids love it.

Thank you all for your comments and welcome / as new / as followers / 199 as we are almost 200! my mother, I really hope that my blog will serve to motivaros and lose weight. I feel so good, so happy, I would like everyone felt like me.

Nancyflor> gelatin can eat whenever 0% fat and without any sugar.

Fiction> If at the beginning of the diet only walked 20 minutes and it was in the middle of August with nearly 40 degrees which made for where I live, for sweating what is not written, hahahaha then I increased to 1 hour walk and now I a gym and do cardio and weights for 1 hour and then ground to walk in the afternoon, an hour or half hour, depending on the time you have. Maria Mendez

> Oat bran is required, it is not mandatory is the way to take it. You can get it perfectly in the yogurt. There are times I made it in coffee and I take it like cereal.

cello Corner> Well, you've seen that I only use natural foods, nothing artificial powders or preparations. I think diet is important to learn to eat foods that normally have. Here only spend on food, on the other hand you have to spend equally, because you have to eat every day. I'm already tired, that I take out the money that I have with weight loss products. Another reason why I love this diet Dukan. Eva

> 70% chocolate without sugar is not allowed because a lot of fat. But if you can avoid eating a bit, just a square from time to time, eh? do but observe how your body responds, if you look tight, leave it, okay? Vicky

> In these 5 months, only I skipped the diet once and it was on Christmas Eve when I was missing just one kilo for my weight right and enter cosolidación or third part of the diet. Moreover, I have not bitten even once between meals since I started. It's something I have hallucinated, even to myself. I think even I have been cured anxiety and all. I do not know who gave me so hard but I did not break the diet.

Adii> In my blog I have written that, yes. But what makes Mr. Dukan in the book, okay? The issue is that the diet works have to eat a lot. Look, I at the beginning of the diet had to eat 80 grams of protein and that's a lot of meat and fish. You may have the feeling of being superllena but it really is, to work you have to eat 1 gram of protein per kilo heavier person per day. Try it, find the mental strength you need and make sure you can, why not? Encourage and tell me how you do, it?

Many kisses to all others, Hairspray, Xonia recipes, Liz, Squidward, MJ, The Girl in the diet, Velina, Angela, Princesaa, A flower of skin, and Eva .... I do not think I forget anyone or anything ... ah! if recetaaaaa, hahaha

pint of skimmed milk yogurt sweetened
1 mg 0%
3 tablespoons whipped cream cheese 0% mg
half tub of cream cheese San Millán 0% mg

3 4 cheeses ligth Value tablespoons fat-free chocolate and sugar
3 tablespoons liquid sweetener 1 packet gelatin
neutral Separate
10 grams a cup of milk and book, whisk together all ingredients minus the gelatin and heat mecl. In cup dissolve the gelatin and add to the mix, cook a few minutes and pour into a silicone mold, let cool and put in the refrigerator until set.

cheeses and chocolate flan

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Elder Scrolls 3 No Cd Hack

dukan diet and vegetarians

Diet dukan is a high protein diet, then a person who is a vegetarian how can you follow this meal plan? Today I bring you a link to a blog dukaniano and also a vegetarian, does a girl who has also managed to lose weight with this diet and now provides us with experience, with recipes too interesting. Although I am not vegetarian, I do like to eat from time to time this type of food that is natural and healthy impossible ...

My weight today is 55.4 kilos , great! So I gobbled up a plate of paella, white bread and 1 slice of chocolate mousse, you know, my state dinner: D

back to the gym tomorrow after these 2 days off and I still legs hurt, but I think I will gradually feeling better ...

Thank you all for your comments, I will try to explain some questions ...

Nancyflor> is normal to have constipation, is one of the few drawbacks of this diet. Add vegetables to everything will be better. Also try taking wheat bran. Maria Mendez

> For more days to attack you will not lose more. The method works when exchanging days and days of pure proteins and vegetable proteins, so the body does not feel threatened and do not make reservations because he finds that you give vitamins and nutrients. If every day were pure proteins we end up stuck in the same weight. It's like telling the body, now I give you, now I give you, and so dizzy and just lose weight, eating the other way proteins always the body thinks, not me, then reserve. Your boyfriend has lost more than you, is normal, because men have a hormone different from ours. To have your boyfriend does not have a rule ... Do not compare yourself with him or anyone else, though you started the diet the same day, every body is different and goes at your pace, this is no race more important is your health . Make your diet as you have said in the page. dukan official diet, be confident and get it.

CS3> To lose weight you have to do 2 things that are attached to each other: DIET AND EXERCISE. If you exercise a lot but do not diet, you will not lose weight. You'll be leaner, but not thin. Angela

> If you are 0% fat yogurt with low carbohydrates that proteins do not worry, do it with those who have found but which are 0% fat and no sugar. Ok? And you tell me you doing ...

The girl in the diet> Sure I eat normal, but not now, now I'm in maintenance. And one way to begin introducing the rest of the meal is with these gala dinners. Have you explained: dukan diet consists of 4 phases, 2 and 2 to lose weight to keep it. The third or consolidation lasts for 10 days lost per kilo. I started building the 29/12/2010 with 23 kilos lost bone I have to do 230 days of maintenance. In my time, not yet a month ago, I've lost almost 2 kilos more. As I've lost almost 25 kilos .... then I think consolidation will continue until it ends in August this year. Then I will be playing to the 4 phase: the final stabilization. Here I can now eat normally every day of the week except Thursday from pure proteins. Why? That this does not ever getting fat again. If for 6 days a week I can eat normally, I about to. So I am doing everything according to the method of dr. Pierre Dukan and therefore I say that this is my last diet. And even if it will start to gain weight again, I know what to do to lose weight. Would attack a few days and then cruise to get back to my weight.

Well, I hope I answered everything. Welcome to new followers / as, a ton of thanks for reading. God willing, I will be around to tell my experience and contribute my bit in the fight against obesity. Because I know what it feels ........ Ánimooooooooo, I checked for myself, that IF YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wedding Response Card Verse Spanish

Athlete Recognition Lara

Regional Commission Bicicross Lara State recognized the most outstanding athletes over the past 2010 making them reconicimiento delivery of a well-deserved. Among

hot dogs, cakes, snacks, drinks and so on, the athletes enjoyed a day and integration group, playing and having fun at the premises of the BMX track Domingo Lopez. Atlean

core Tocuyo Barquisimeto and were present to receive their awards. This

the CRBEL (BMX Regional Commission Lara State) recognizes the work of its athletes.

From here we want to continue reaping the fruits for 2011 and multiply the achievements.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Make A Baby Carrige From Diapers

The Results Thursday from 5 months

Well, almost is happening on Thursday ... day of protein puras.Que certainly cost me quite as you get used to eating bread, vegetables and fruit every day and the day is that doing exactly As in the attack phase and if it can be proteins that are as pure as possible. This day is used to prevent weight gain, is insurance against the rebound effect. My weight today is 55.6 kg, if I know, unbelievable, but true, I guess with the state dinner this weight up a bit. I think this Sunday I'm going to make a good paella, ummm, yum, that rich! I put my menu today, that can also attack phase protein because it's Thursday.

pure proteins Thursday Menu: Breakfast

1 coffee with skim milk 1 loaf dukan

midmorning coffee

Eating chicken breast Grilled (4 steaks I've gotten, lol) natural yogurt sweetened
1 mg 0%

afternoon coffee with skim milk 1
2 or 3 slices of turkey dinner

Omelet 2 egg whites and 1 whole fresh cheese
beaten 1 mg infusion of horsetail

Now I respond to your questions ... On
paraffin oil, to tell you that I have not used and I've missed. For what you have to be careful and take no more than a teaspoon because it releases a lot of guts and especially not calenteis because then it becomes toxic, can only be used raw.
As for oat bran, have to be that oat bran and no oatmeal, that's no good, and that oats are whole grain and then has to be considered a hydrate, and eat no carbohydrates dukanianas up to Stage 3.
wheat bran is not required to take it but comes in handy for the bathroom, and many recipes are better with him. Both a thing as other purchases in a herbarium, and also the wheat is cheaper than in the Mercadona.
Another thing I've missed have been the flavors, although I admit they are very good. But the truth is not essential. I attempt to step out my economic diet. When a recipe gets scent of this or that thing, replaced it with lemon zest, cinnamon, anise Grain ...
mustard I've been using Dijon mustard is because it has sugar.
In the 5 months I have not used oil at all and I have not missed. In the days of pv can not just eat salads, soups and purees also vegetables, not to mention protein. you know that this diet works is to eat 1 gram of protein per day despite the person.
dukan Bread is actually the oat cake but made in the microwave or oven, set it takes the same ingredients but yeast is added and that's it. In this blog you have a bread recipe dukan for four days, it occurred to me after making gingerbread that comes in the book Dukan Method Illustrated.
use many spices for cooking and give you more flavor to dishes, whether meat or fish.
Ah! Good news .... Already
edited the book of 350 recipes in English and soon goes on sale, I think Barcelona is already sold in some bookstores.
Congratulations to all you are about losing weight. You would not pass any of hunger? Cheer girls worth the effort. This week a lady has taken me 27 years, and those who walked on all fours! hahaha this will self-esteem rises to the clouds.
Today I put a white dot dress. I never dared to wear white, always black to look thinner ... I I bought in a store that I love, but where I was almost never any good, and now that I have clothes there, they will close .... of course, go wrong, jooo!

Well, I might be wrong once in something, but not so bad I have to seeing the results, no?

Many thanks to all who have commented, which read me, which give me congratulate you on the street and welcome to new followers as both sexes, who are already 183! my mother, I never imagined they would so many people read this blog when I started writing it: D Much

mood and look in file blog is very interesting stuff.

Kisses to each and every

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Kind Of Skates To Alex Ovechkin Wear

Calendar 2011 (BMX)

Copa Venezuela:
1st and 2nd
Valid: From 15 to 17 April in Puerto Ordaz - Ciudad Bolivar.
3rd and 4th Valid: 10 to June 12 in Valencia - Carabobo.
5th and 6th Valid: 16 to September 18 in the Rose Garden - Miranda.
the 7th Valid: 21 to October 22 in Cumana - Sucre.
Note: In all these valid may participate runners from other countries.
BMX National Championships:
BMX National Championships will be held in one jurisdiction, which may participate only rider of the country and are duly registered with the FVC
Date: 25 November 26
Location: TBD (Cojedes, Lara and Portuguesa).
According proposals submitted by these states to the table BMX technique installed in the Annual Convention Cycling associations made between 7 and 8 January 2011.)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dream Mousse Eyeshadow Swatch

protein diet

five months ago, on August 18, 2010, I made a big discovery: Dukan diet. I started relying on this method make it from day one. I reached my weight just on 29 December 2010, but a diet is never finished until you've done the maintenance. So I say that I am still on a diet, I'm in Stage 3 or consolidation phase. Well, these are the results on numerical data:

18/08/2010....................80, 1 kg ; 18/01/2011.........................56, 0 kg
means of closure ......... 95 cm environment Close
environment ................ 85 cm waist 95 cm ......... ; environment ................ 72 cm waist
environment cadera ......... 115 cm ; environment cadera ................ 94 cm
Body mass index 36.5 ... Body mass index 25.57 .........
obesity type II ; ; overweight
hoist pants ..... 48 hoist pants ....

......... 38 Height: 148 cm
Age: 39 years
Kilos lost so far: 24 kilos

The official website of the diet dukan ( ) just say that my weight is 57, 6 kg but seeing that as well, that my medical tests are right and people say I'm good face, is, that I have not been too wrinkled face and sad, as it happened with other diets, I will continue to 55 kilos, what is lacking total pa, hahahaha Although my BMI would be perfect with 54 kilos.

I also tell you that I've joined a gym to tone and tighten, as I am a bit soft, but not so much for having lost so many kilos. It's another good thing about this diet to be rich in protein protects you a lot of muscle. I have 2 days of gym and I have a sore leg, buass! but I feel tremendous energy.

do with this diet is thinned so quickly, I recommend that you use a firming cream and / or ANTI. I've been using it for several months, is a rose hip Bavarian brand.

I put my menu today to give ideas, remember that I am already in consolidation consolidation

Breakfast Menu

1 coffee with skim milk
a sandwich with 2 slices of bread browned, 2 cheeses ligth and 2 slices of ham Midmorning
1 coffee with milk (in a bar, so of skimmed nothing but a little does not go ná)
1 block (ie at home)

Grilled Beef with garlic and oregano Tomato
1 mg 0% yogurt Snack

1 coffee with skim milk dukan
1 bread (sweet version, but I'm greedy, lol)
Dinner Mashed

Panga mixed vegetables grilled spiced fresh cheese beaten
0% aspartame and cinnamon (I love cinnamon)
1 infusion of green tea

more 2 or more liters of water, plus 1 hour to 1 hour fitness hike. Do not forget to exercise more, ok?

Beatruky> Thanks beautiful! have to see how beautiful you are staying, eh?

Raquelferrari> You have my full support and count on my blog all you want. And if you blog, I look and I follow. Paraffin oil have not gotten to use it, I've missed the truth is the only thing that I have not heeded Pierre Dukan. But neither is that meeting and ask for Internet postage and such, is more expensive. Anabel

> Once we have a ratillo I visit;)

Reyes> When I started coaching diet that did not work. I just followed the book and tips and recipes from other dukanianas. But if you feel better that way, do it, everyone can do whatever he wants with his money. You'll tell me that this is going, right? Nyu

> You're right. There are people who eat breakfast only an infusion, not that, health care must be taken first. The good thing about this diet is that food can eat and drink at will without having to weigh them.

Exchocolate> of anything. Thank you for commenting

Mayanamay> Congratulations and remember the lost kilos with this diet you must eat to work. Are you my countrymen? Olé, abundant good, lol

The rat presumed> thank you

Squidward> I'm so glad you like the blog, I hope you find it useful

Eva> I like that! with courage and optimism: D well, I love your sentence together PODEMOSSS!! say yes champions attest that IF PUEDEEEE!!

MJ> remains constant, quierete lot and see how you reach your goal;)

Alivalle> Your blog was the first I visited and gave me the idea to make one. Thank you teacher, your blog is amazing, but do not follow the diet dukan are also very good your recipes.

Nancyflor> I know that in Mexico there is no oat bran, as I have several friends who are there bloggers, Fe, Liz ... you told and test how it works, then you stop taking oats and everything else you do well. Tell me, ok?

Princesaa> jajajaja say yes, then everything is known. Your every day you're more beautiful, the sky of person you are inside is popping out.

Pitiusa> True, lol Many kisses to you too

Well, WELCOME to the / as new followers / as it has for a while you visit on your blogs, the / as you have.

and kisses to everyone, happy day: D

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Get A Car In Poptropica

dukan Open mind and proteins have

For this diet works, we must forget everything we learned about calories and proteins to learn to count. You have to eat 1 gram of protein per kilo you weigh a day, even on days of protein and vegetables. And how do we calculate this? The truth is that it is a little tricky, because if you eat 100 grams of chicken not you're eating 100 grams of protein but 22 grams. I found a link where many foods come with their corresponding amount of protein per 100 grams, just like you can help. Although I do is eat very much, until I'm not hungry and you're

I thank you for all your comments. In the end I managed to Trivia badoo that and I'm back on facebook, but that yes, I do not accept such applications or play games ....

Wellcome to new followers / s: D

Yesterday my weight was 56.4 kg for what I did state dinner, ate omelette!! That is another of the good things of this diet, which makes you enjoy and appreciate food more. However, without sticking the binge of the century, eh! darling! now the body is very sensitive to rebound. The secret to prevent weight gain with gala dinners is not to repeat, eat everything but without repeating.

Well, today my weight is 56.8 kg and that everything is going great, keeping me on my weight.

Exchocolate> You asked me how to resolve the issue of constipation. Do you take a tablespoon of wheat bran per day? If it takes and what does not work, try a tea that they sell in the mercadona called Delgaxan de Pompadour but do not take it every day, OK? only occasionally so that the body is not accustomed to having to take it to go to the bathroom. They also do sit-ups help for constipation;)

I also send a greeting to my former colleagues in the course of kindergarten, because I know some of them continue this blog. Thanks! Do you remember when we were taught how to make a blog? some thought it was useless and the truth is that everything that is learned, sooner or later, we can serve some purpose. My father says: "Knowledge has no place" for that reason I will continue taking courses and forming, but is 90 years old and would never say that something does not work, can you get that when something works .....

This blog is made by a computer expert and every day I learn something new, but I think it's very interesting to track my progress with the diet dukan. I think I can provide testimony that IF YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT!! From here all my encouragement and support to the / as It start this diet, you're going to get. Kisses to all

and all

Friday, January 14, 2011

Discharge White Eggs, Period

I apologize to my friends in facebook

I apologize to my friends of the profile dukanita Zacatin dudu on facebook, but for reasons beyond my control I had to delete the account. I do not know if because of an application or because someone has used my nick ... the fact is that appeared on a network of contacts to which I had not requested membership, and how he had placed a photo of my child also appeared I decided to delete the account. Hope you pogaís in my place and you can understand. It makes me sad because he had cast many friendships. Angela, Maria Dolores continue to count my experience here and maybe a bit later that I have missed the scare, return to the group, I know that I will miss you very much. Melora

> ask me if the ligth cheeses are allowed in the attack phase, they are actually tolerated foods, but I do take them in pp and also took in the attack phase, but that if I try not to spend the 800 grams of milk per day which is the amount allowed. Do not you know it bread dukan? It is another way to make the pancake dukan but remains as a loaf of bread. At the same dukan pancake recipe, you put a teaspoon of yeast, and if you want it sweet you put a drop of liquid sweetener and a dash of cinnamon, and salt if you want it a little salt and put it in A taper in the microwave at 800 w about 3 or 4 minutes and is how a loaf of bread. In this blog you have a bread recipe to use dukan for 4 days. (Check file blog;)

Thank you all / as for your comments and WELCOME to the new followers. Much encouragement to all that You start, I'll see if I find a walk around your blog.

ah! that I forgot to put the weight of today: 56.8 kg this place! maintenance, so all cool! I encourage you .... YES WE CAN SLIM !!!!! Besitos

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Camp Correctional Youth

A menu for each phase

Guuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaauuuu! More than 60,000 visitors and we are already 150 fans! Many thanks for reading, although it is a little repetitive, but I never tire of thank you. I just got to give me a tour of the city where I live and many people did not know me, so I changed? Well, yes, and even I recognize myself when I look in the mirror .... but what I see I like a lot!!

Many people have asked me on the street dukan diet and also some people from my village, my little corner of Extremadura, read everything I write ... Thanks: D

My weight today is still 57 kilos Justito and clavaos, I stayed the same weight since Sunday .... I hope to continue and say that most diets fail within three months to achieve the desired goal so these first 3 months of the year, will be essential to keep and my weight for the rest of my life .... I have said many times that this is my last diet and I will meet, I'll make it as well that never again need to diet.

I put some sample menus for each phase, I hope you will be of assistance

1 coffee with skim milk 1 loaf dukan

midmorning yogurt
1 0%
Omelette Roast chicken

ligth snack cheeses
1 coffee with skim milk
2 or 3 slices of turkey fat 0%
Dinner Grilled hake

cheese fresh 0% with aspartame and cinnamon red tea

MENU CRUISE PHASE (protein + vegetables)
1 coffee with skim milk 2 muffins dukan

2 or 3 slices of turkey fat 0%
lettuce salad with vinaigrette and roasted peppers dukan
beef burger grilled pineapple flavored yogurt
1 0%
1 coffee with skim milk pancakes
Dinner grilled with garlic and lemon turkey rolls

ligth cheese 1 sugar-free strawberry gelatin and 0%

CONSOLIDATION PHASE (What I've eaten today)

1 coffee Breakfast
skimmed milk 2 slices of bread (use of mold but is best bakery) but need not be so strict) with which I made with cheeses sandwinch ligth and 2 slices of ham midmorning

1 skim latte

Eating Shrimp with lemon juice
Spaghetti with ground beef and mushrooms (like my starchy portion of the day before Thursday of protein, and how little can I lose fat the next day)
2 slices of pineapple in juice Snack

1 coffee with skim milk 1 loaf dukan

Dinner Grilled chicken with garlic, paprika, parsley, oregano and a little white wine
(I use many spices for cooking. The spices are also slimming)
Emmental cheese 1 serving

not forget to drink plenty of water and exercise. ok? Here

more photos of my ánimooooooooo radical change! if I can, all / I can, I have nothing special, I'm just a dukaniana more ... that we are increasingly certain that we continue this way of eating. Do not forget that the creator of the diet is Pierre Dukan and I'm really grateful ......¡¡¡¡ Viva Pierre Dukan and the mother that bore him!! must be given the Nobel in medicine but this man!



Photos are
taken at different distances but I think it shows the difference in weight, set in the flab I had and the face ... bufff! Well ... it already happened and not be repeated! Some people told me: "I return to get fat, I lost weight X kilos and I returned to pick up" but that is the envy terrible ... I will not re-gaining weight because I know it? Set in the title of my blog, since I started the diet I said I'm going to lose 20 kilos, I think people are beginning to doubt that what I think are going to get it more difficult but also can reach the goal, but I think it is very important to be positive and believe in truth.

Well, many kisses to all / as....Ánimo and move forward, the effort is worth it!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cigars For Sale Online

Results Dukan diet 21 weeks and ... Thank you all as and Silvana! : D

First of all, I want to thank all / as you / as for your comments and for your support, for always being there and reading this blog that I intend to tell my experience and motivation to lose weight turn to people in need. It is wonderful to feel so happy how I feel, after getting my goal: to be in my weight. Imagine for a moment to load with a backpack full of stones with a weight of 23 kilos .... pufff! That is pretty tiring, right? Now, try walking, working, cleaning house, caring for children, etc, with that backpack .... bufff! We've run out of breath, if! for I have thrown away that bag, I am free of that weight and I feel I'm floating when I walk. Again many thanks for following me, when I have a little bit I happened by your blog;)

I also want to thank SILVANA to put photos of my progress with the Dukan diet on his blog, as testimony Dukan, for who has not seen here is the link http://

My weight is 57 kg now, so I'm keeping my weight well what I want. On January 18, is 5 months of dieting, then publish my measurements. most exciting of this diet is not only the weight down is the reduction of volume. Cellulite also a lot lower ... well, that you want to say is that I am a buff of the diet dukan, jajajajaja

I want to clarify a couple of issues that people face made me (though few people, most complimented me on my new picture: D )....

The first is that dietary protein dukan not eat all the time. This diet has four phases. In which protein is eaten only in the first phase and lasts a few days, and depending on the kilos that you got to lose. It is an outrage to 7 days of the attack phase or first stage, if you just out of 5 kilos. To find the kilos you how many days remain and attack phase you have to enter and fill in the questionnaire that they ask your weight where it says estimated fair I will also give a curve where you say the days of attack and the approximate time that your weight You will come right. For example, I was told that I have to weigh 57.6 kg and reach my goal on January 17, 2011 (well, I think I've advanced a little at odds, lol)

The second point I wish to clarify is that it has 4 phases. No one can say that the diet has been dukan if you have not done all. Despite having achieved my goal, I can not say I've finished the diet. I'm in the third phase, the maintenance and consolidation phase, which will allow me to avoid "rebound" hence its importance. Has begun the real struggle: to stay in my weight.

Today I had my second state dinner, the first being the New Year's Eve. Have been some friends that we met around this time every year. Have you eaten without any remorse or guilt, and have enjoyed what is not written. I have eaten bread, pate Oporto, crab pate, ham (Viva Extremadura!) White asparagus with mayonnaise (mayonnaise ligth, ahem, ahem ...) 1 fried calamari, shrimp in trench 1, 4 or 5 shrimp, 1 fillet of pork with cream and mushrooms (that I learned to do when I worked in a restaurant as a kitchen helper, and is buenisimooooo) and for dessert 1 coffee with skim milk and Roscon OF KINGS! my mother that ricooooooo, yum, yum! hahahaha have a great time, now to continue with the consolidation. Tomorrow children return to school, the routine starts again and it will be easier to follow the diet.

Well, I will continue telling you more things .... Besitos

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blueprint For Picnic Tables

A recetita and a very interesting site:)

Hello to you all! That nerves, this night the Kings Can I leave a little something? I do not know, I know .... As for the consolidation phase, the above along very well and I'm down, this morning I weighed 56.6 kg ! and this scares me a little because neither I want to stay in the bones ... well, I guess that goes after the gala dinner. Tomorrow would have to pure proteins, since it is Thursday, but I think I deserve a piece of twisted roll, so many months without tasting the sugary sweet that I'm greedy must be rewarded. I will do the pure proteins on Friday without fail.

I leave my food from yesterday ....

tortillas stuffed with minced meat and bell peppers

4 egg whites
1 can (small) roasted red peppers
150 grams of minced veal
salt, oregano, paprika, parsley and garlic powder to taste PREPARATION
put in a nonstick skillet ground beef and pour the spices, we hope that this almost check and add the peppers, cut into strips, let them do everything a little and pour over the egg whites. We let it curdle a bit and we turning, shaping and being the meat and peppers in a tortilla.

This fills a lot! The cheese plate is attached to a portion of Emmental cheese. If you eat with cheese is a meal of Stage 3 or consolidation phase. But if you eat a ligth cheeses, voucher for the cruise phase and if you take away the peppers, goes for the attack phase;)

Yesterday I made a discovery that I'm delighted. Is a website that has everything, hairstyles, makeup, recipes ... Thanks to her, I'm learning a lot. I am already a fan over ... Http://
This page is where I have learned to make this bow and this:

Thank you all for your comments, thanks a ton for reading.
Well, I hope you bring many gifts Magi. Besitos

Monday, January 3, 2011

Catchy Slogans For Dance

Results 20 weeks of diet Dukan

What we bring the new year? I delighted in life! I am very happy is that even while in the consolidation phase, I'm losing weight. This morning I weighed 57.2 kg ! New Year's Eve and why I took the grapes (forbidden fruit) and also the complete dinner and wine and champagne ... lol It was my first dinner gala. That if, after I was out there running all night, until 7:30 am last Thursday did .... pure protein which is what I have to do for the rest of my life and more get used to it now. On Thursday protein you have to eat pure as in the attack phase, even if we are in consolidation, you can not eat that day bread, no fruit, no new foods now incorporated into the diet. I put what I ate yesterday ...

Breakfast Menu
consolidation phase 1
coffee with skim milk 2 slices of bread with cheese spread San Millan 0%

Eating sprouts sautéed with garlic and onion and a pinch of paprika 1 whiting
ration to iron
1 red apple (Snow White egalitarian than that rich!)
1 coffee with skim milk with 2 tablespoons of oat bran
went to visit my sister, so ...
other coffee with skim milk (and gave him a twisted roll of kings from cream, did not eat)
1 chamomile tea (my sister insisted I do not know because they thought I was going hungry ...)

livers Dinner roasted chicken
gouda cheese 1 serving
1 infusion of horsetail

Nyu> I've wondered how you have to weigh the beans and pasta ... well, the weight of the food is cooked once
My little stitch> I have seen that in a previous post I wondered about snacking between meals ... If you can chop, allowed food of course!, but only when hungry and not take it out of habit as it is important to keep the rhythm and structure of meals (page 45 of the book The Illustrated Dukan method)

Many thanks to all for your comments and welcome / as new / as followers / as.
Ah! I tell you I think I was wrong when I've been putting the time in weeks or months of the diet. I have 20 weeks but not 5 months, 5 months, will perform on January 18 because I started on August 18, 2010 Dukan diet, I think I've done a little trouble, haha \u200b\u200bmaths is not my thing. .. Besitos

and to be good / as there is little for the Three Kings;)