Saturday, January 29, 2011

Can U Bring Epilators

A month consolidation phase and Corinne by Dukan;)

Well, today marks a month since I started the 3 rd phase of the diet or consolidation phase and now my weight is 55.1 kilos, is, that I not only gained not an ounce but also I've lost 2 kilos more and go .... less than 25 kilos! I am very happy because I discovered how not to get fat again in my life and eating!

Os pongo mi menú de ayer, para que cuando estéis en conso tengáis ideas, pero ya sabéis que este menú está hecho según mis gustos personales, vale? vosotras/os podéis cambiarlo por otros alimentos que os gusten más. Esto es otra de las ventajas de esta dieta, los 100 alimentos permitidos se pueden comer a voluntad y combinar cómo se desee.

Menú (consolidación)
1 café con leche desnatada
1 sandwich de queso (calentito, ummm! que rico! hecho en la sandwichera con 2 rebanadas de pan integral y 2 quesitos ligth marca santé)
Media mañana
1 manzana golden
3 filetes de hígado de ternera with roasted peppers (take the filets grilled liver and pour a can of roasted peppers with some of its juice and leave to warm the whole)
1 piece of cheeses and chocolate pudding snack

1 coffee with milk dukan
1 bread (you have to keep taking the 2 tablespoons of oat bran)

Dinner Vegetable soup with hake (put into a saucepan a medallion of hake skin and bones and a handful of frozen mixed vegetables with little water and 1 quart vegetable broth and 1 quesito ligth fat when we cooked it in a blender) 1 plain yogurt sweetened
1 mg infusion of horsetail

This is what I eat is absolutely true, how can you observe is a wonderful diet, do not spend hunger and lose weight. Sunday morning will do my weekly gala dinner, but I think it will be a gala breakfast and I'm going to polish off one donut is my favorite candy, donuts like Homer ..., arrggg! I drool at the thought.

Well, again I have to thank a fellow blogger and dukaniana to which I have done well and several of his recipes. Corinne is Dukan and this is his blog
In this post you have several accounts People who have lost weight through diet dukan.

I want to tell also that I have already bought the book of recipes dukan, in a bookstore in my town. Is nothing more and nothing less than 350 recipes, and are very easy and simple to do, nothing to do with the 60 recipes Dukan Method Illustrated that are a little more "picky." Yesterday I read the book in one sitting and I loved it. I think that with all the information that I have, forums, blogs and books, I will not get fat again nuncaaaa! In this book, the author of the diet, dr. Pierre Dukan, announces that there will be another building for recipes because the recipes in this are for the first 2 phases. The truth is that is fine, I recommend it.

now answer your questions:

Lola> The unsweetened cocoa solids, and brand value, I bought it in Mercadona, but long ago, I was in before the diet, as he used to make Tiramisu, the same thing packaging has changed on the outside, and that goes a long way. You also have fat-free cocoa and sugar in health food stores;)

Nancyflor> The surimi is permitted in the cruise phase and if you take it in the form of chunks, the amount is about 8 chunks of surimi day. Corinne

Dukan> Thanks gorgeous! you really are an artist in the kitchen! Eva

> Yes, wheat bran must be comprehensive, surely puts him in the container. The less fat cheeses I've found are brand Santé and have a 3% fat if you eat them while ensuring that throughout the day, the amount of milk does not exceed 800 grams. Angela

> not considered stagnant until about 7 days have passed in the same weight. It is normal that the scale fluctuate, up or down overnight. At the beginning of the diet, not to come to me down, I weighed in every week, so the results are more spectacular and more you dare. Courage and resist even the scale, it is precisely at this moment have to be strong and continue to do well, you'll see how soon to move the needle back down;)

Adie> Cheese is milk and therefore, must take into account not go from 800 grams of total dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese , cottage cheese 0%, etc) during the day. The amount of meat, where allowed, (because pork, lamb, flat beak birds, duck, goose, are not permitted) you can eat as much as you want, no limit! I will not say more than I one day I gobbled half chicken all by myself, and I've lost hahaha! vegetables, like meat, fish and shellfish ... AT WILL! the amount you want, but that si los días de proteínas y verduras no te olvides de consumir también 1 gramo de proteína por kilo que peses, ese día no te alimentes sólo de verduras, eso es un error, está dieta es hiperprotéica y cómo tal la base imprescindible de la misma son las proteínas.

Muchas gracias a todas las demás por comentar MJ, Hairsprai, Katherine, Reyes, La ratita presumida, María Mendez, y también bienvenidos y gracias, a los nuevos/as seguidores/as por leer este blog.

Animo que este verano vamos a estar todos, tipitooooo!!!



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