Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cigars For Sale Online

Results Dukan diet 21 weeks and ... Thank you all as and Silvana! : D

First of all, I want to thank all / as you / as for your comments and for your support, for always being there and reading this blog that I intend to tell my experience and motivation to lose weight turn to people in need. It is wonderful to feel so happy how I feel, after getting my goal: to be in my weight. Imagine for a moment to load with a backpack full of stones with a weight of 23 kilos .... pufff! That is pretty tiring, right? Now, try walking, working, cleaning house, caring for children, etc, with that backpack .... bufff! We've run out of breath, if! for I have thrown away that bag, I am free of that weight and I feel I'm floating when I walk. Again many thanks for following me, when I have a little bit I happened by your blog;)

I also want to thank SILVANA to put photos of my progress with the Dukan diet on his blog, as testimony Dukan, for who has not seen here is the link http://

My weight is 57 kg now, so I'm keeping my weight well what I want. On January 18, is 5 months of dieting, then publish my measurements. most exciting of this diet is not only the weight down is the reduction of volume. Cellulite also a lot lower ... well, that you want to say is that I am a buff of the diet dukan, jajajajaja

I want to clarify a couple of issues that people face made me (though few people, most complimented me on my new picture: D )....

The first is that dietary protein dukan not eat all the time. This diet has four phases. In which protein is eaten only in the first phase and lasts a few days, and depending on the kilos that you got to lose. It is an outrage to 7 days of the attack phase or first stage, if you just out of 5 kilos. To find the kilos you how many days remain and attack phase you have to enter and fill in the questionnaire that they ask your weight where it says estimated fair I will also give a curve where you say the days of attack and the approximate time that your weight You will come right. For example, I was told that I have to weigh 57.6 kg and reach my goal on January 17, 2011 (well, I think I've advanced a little at odds, lol)

The second point I wish to clarify is that it has 4 phases. No one can say that the diet has been dukan if you have not done all. Despite having achieved my goal, I can not say I've finished the diet. I'm in the third phase, the maintenance and consolidation phase, which will allow me to avoid "rebound" hence its importance. Has begun the real struggle: to stay in my weight.

Today I had my second state dinner, the first being the New Year's Eve. Have been some friends that we met around this time every year. Have you eaten without any remorse or guilt, and have enjoyed what is not written. I have eaten bread, pate Oporto, crab pate, ham (Viva Extremadura!) White asparagus with mayonnaise (mayonnaise ligth, ahem, ahem ...) 1 fried calamari, shrimp in trench 1, 4 or 5 shrimp, 1 fillet of pork with cream and mushrooms (that I learned to do when I worked in a restaurant as a kitchen helper, and is buenisimooooo) and for dessert 1 coffee with skim milk and Roscon OF KINGS! my mother that ricooooooo, yum, yum! hahahaha have a great time, now to continue with the consolidation. Tomorrow children return to school, the routine starts again and it will be easier to follow the diet.

Well, I will continue telling you more things .... Besitos


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