Friday, January 14, 2011

Discharge White Eggs, Period

I apologize to my friends in facebook

I apologize to my friends of the profile dukanita Zacatin dudu on facebook, but for reasons beyond my control I had to delete the account. I do not know if because of an application or because someone has used my nick ... the fact is that appeared on a network of contacts to which I had not requested membership, and how he had placed a photo of my child also appeared I decided to delete the account. Hope you pogaĆ­s in my place and you can understand. It makes me sad because he had cast many friendships. Angela, Maria Dolores continue to count my experience here and maybe a bit later that I have missed the scare, return to the group, I know that I will miss you very much. Melora

> ask me if the ligth cheeses are allowed in the attack phase, they are actually tolerated foods, but I do take them in pp and also took in the attack phase, but that if I try not to spend the 800 grams of milk per day which is the amount allowed. Do not you know it bread dukan? It is another way to make the pancake dukan but remains as a loaf of bread. At the same dukan pancake recipe, you put a teaspoon of yeast, and if you want it sweet you put a drop of liquid sweetener and a dash of cinnamon, and salt if you want it a little salt and put it in A taper in the microwave at 800 w about 3 or 4 minutes and is how a loaf of bread. In this blog you have a bread recipe to use dukan for 4 days. (Check file blog;)

Thank you all / as for your comments and WELCOME to the new followers. Much encouragement to all that You start, I'll see if I find a walk around your blog.

ah! that I forgot to put the weight of today: 56.8 kg this place! maintenance, so all cool! I encourage you .... YES WE CAN SLIM !!!!! Besitos


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