Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Camp Correctional Youth

A menu for each phase

Guuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaauuuu! More than 60,000 visitors and we are already 150 fans! Many thanks for reading, although it is a little repetitive, but I never tire of thank you. I just got to give me a tour of the city where I live and many people did not know me, so I changed? Well, yes, and even I recognize myself when I look in the mirror .... but what I see I like a lot!!

Many people have asked me on the street dukan diet and also some people from my village, my little corner of Extremadura, read everything I write ... Thanks: D

My weight today is still 57 kilos Justito and clavaos, I stayed the same weight since Sunday .... I hope to continue and say that most diets fail within three months to achieve the desired goal so these first 3 months of the year, will be essential to keep and my weight for the rest of my life .... I have said many times that this is my last diet and I will meet, I'll make it as well that never again need to diet.

I put some sample menus for each phase, I hope you will be of assistance

1 coffee with skim milk 1 loaf dukan

midmorning yogurt
1 0%
Omelette Roast chicken

ligth snack cheeses
1 coffee with skim milk
2 or 3 slices of turkey fat 0%
Dinner Grilled hake

cheese fresh 0% with aspartame and cinnamon red tea

MENU CRUISE PHASE (protein + vegetables)
1 coffee with skim milk 2 muffins dukan

2 or 3 slices of turkey fat 0%
lettuce salad with vinaigrette and roasted peppers dukan
beef burger grilled pineapple flavored yogurt
1 0%
1 coffee with skim milk pancakes
Dinner grilled with garlic and lemon turkey rolls

ligth cheese 1 sugar-free strawberry gelatin and 0%

CONSOLIDATION PHASE (What I've eaten today)

1 coffee Breakfast
skimmed milk 2 slices of bread (use of mold but is best bakery) but need not be so strict) with which I made with cheeses sandwinch ligth and 2 slices of ham midmorning

1 skim latte

Eating Shrimp with lemon juice
Spaghetti with ground beef and mushrooms (like my starchy portion of the day before Thursday of protein, and how little can I lose fat the next day)
2 slices of pineapple in juice Snack

1 coffee with skim milk 1 loaf dukan

Dinner Grilled chicken with garlic, paprika, parsley, oregano and a little white wine
(I use many spices for cooking. The spices are also slimming)
Emmental cheese 1 serving

not forget to drink plenty of water and exercise. ok? Here

more photos of my ánimooooooooo radical change! if I can, all / I can, I have nothing special, I'm just a dukaniana more ... that we are increasingly certain that we continue this way of eating. Do not forget that the creator of the diet is Pierre Dukan and I'm really grateful ......¡¡¡¡ Viva Pierre Dukan and the mother that bore him!! must be given the Nobel in medicine but this man!



Photos are
taken at different distances but I think it shows the difference in weight, set in the flab I had and the face ... bufff! Well ... it already happened and not be repeated! Some people told me: "I return to get fat, I lost weight X kilos and I returned to pick up" but that is the envy terrible ... I will not re-gaining weight because I know it? Set in the title of my blog, since I started the diet I said I'm going to lose 20 kilos, I think people are beginning to doubt that what I think are going to get it more difficult but also can reach the goal, but I think it is very important to be positive and believe in truth.

Well, many kisses to all / as....Ánimo and move forward, the effort is worth it!


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